dual lattice
Смотреть что такое "dual lattice" в других словарях:
dual lattice — atvirkštinė gardelė statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. dual lattice; reciprocal lattice vok. Dualgitter, n; reziprokes Gitter, n rus. обратная решётка, f pranc. réseau dual, m; réseau réciproque, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
Lattice (group) — A lattice in the Euclidean plane. In mathematics, especially in geometry and group theory, a lattice in Rn is a discrete subgroup of Rn which spans the real vector space Rn. Every lattice in Rn … Wikipedia
Lattice (order) — See also: Lattice (group) The name lattice is suggested by the form of the Hasse diagram depicting it. Shown here is the lattice of partitions of a four element set {1,2,3,4}, ordered by the relation is a refinement of . In mathematics, a… … Wikipedia
Dual space — In mathematics, any vector space, V, has a corresponding dual vector space (or just dual space for short) consisting of all linear functionals on V. Dual vector spaces defined on finite dimensional vector spaces can be used for defining tensors… … Wikipedia
Lattice gauge theory — In physics, lattice gauge theory is the study of gauge theories on a spacetime that has been discretized onto a lattice. Although most lattice gauge theories are not exactly solvable, they are of tremendous appeal because they can be studied by… … Wikipedia
Lattice phase equaliser — A lattice phase equaliser or lattice filter is an example of an all pass filter. That is, the attenuation of the filter is constant at all frequencies but the relative phase between input and output varies with frequency. The lattice filter… … Wikipedia
Dual superconductor model — In the theory of quantum chromodynamics, dual superconductor models attempt to explain confinement of quarks in terms of an electromagnetic dual theory of superconductivity. In an electromagnetic dual theory the roles of electric and magnetic… … Wikipedia
Dual (category theory) — In category theory, a branch of mathematics, duality is a correspondence between properties of a category C and so called dual properties of the opposite category Cop. Given a statement regarding the category C, by interchanging the source and… … Wikipedia
Reciprocal lattice — In physics, the reciprocal lattice of a lattice (usually a Bravais lattice) is the lattice in which the Fourier transform of the spatial function of the original lattice (or direct lattice) is represented. This space is also known as momentum… … Wikipedia
Modular lattice — Hasse diagram of N5, the smallest non modular lattice. In the branch of mathematics called order theory, a modular lattice is a lattice that satisfies the following self dual condition: Modular law x ≤ b implies… … Wikipedia
E₈ lattice — In mathematics, the E8 lattice is a special lattice in R8. It can be characterized as the unique positive definite, even, unimodular lattice of rank 8. The name derives from the fact that it is the root lattice of the E8 root system. The normIn… … Wikipedia