- dual approximation
- мат. двойственная аппроксимация
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Dual inheritance theory — (DIT), also known as gene culture coevolution, was developed in the late 1970s and early 1980s to explain how human behavior is a product of two different and interacting evolutionary processes: genetic evolution and cultural evolution. DIT is a… … Wikipedia
Dual-Slope-Verfahren — Ein Analog Digital Umsetzer ADU, englisch ADC für Analog to Digital Converter (auch Analog Digital Wandler oder A/D Wandler) setzt nach unterschiedlichen Methoden analoge Eingangssignale in digitale Daten bzw. einen Datenstrom um, die dann… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Dual problem — In constrained optimization, it is often possible to convert the primal problem (i.e. the original form of the optimization problem) to a dual form, which is termed a dual problem. Usually dual problem refers to the Lagrangian dual problem but… … Wikipedia
Dual of BCH is an independent source — A certain family of BCH codes have a particularly useful property, which is that treated as linear operators, their dual operators turns their input into an wise independent source. That is, the set of vectors from the input vector space are… … Wikipedia
FONCTIONS (REPRÉSENTATION ET APPROXIMATION DES) — Il arrive très souvent que, dans les problèmes issus des mathématiques ou des autres sciences, les fonctions qui interviennent soient définies par des procédés qui ne permettent pas d’étudier de manière efficace leurs propriétés. C’est le cas des … Encyclopédie Universelle
K-approximation of k-hitting set — In computer science, k approximation of k hitting set is an approximation algorithm for weighted hitting set. The input is a collection S of subsets of some universe T and a mapping W from S to non negative numbers called the weights of the… … Wikipedia
Data stream clustering — In computer science, data stream clustering is defined as the clustering of data that arrive continuously such as telephone records, multimedia data, financial transactions etc. Data stream clustering is usually studied under the data stream… … Wikipedia
Job shop scheduling — For other uses, see Scheduling. Job shop scheduling (or Job shop problem) is an optimization problem in computer science in which ideal jobs are assigned to resources at particular times. The most basic version is as follows: We are given n jobs… … Wikipedia
Projet:Mathématiques/Liste des articles de mathématiques — Cette page n est plus mise à jour depuis l arrêt de DumZiBoT. Pour demander sa remise en service, faire une requête sur WP:RBOT Cette page recense les articles relatifs aux mathématiques, qui sont liés aux portails de mathématiques, géométrie ou… … Wikipédia en Français
Liste des articles de mathematiques — Projet:Mathématiques/Liste des articles de mathématiques Cette page recense les articles relatifs aux mathématiques, qui sont liés aux portails de mathématiques, géométrie ou probabilités et statistiques via l un des trois bandeaux suivants … Wikipédia en Français
Vector space — This article is about linear (vector) spaces. For the structure in incidence geometry, see Linear space (geometry). Vector addition and scalar multiplication: a vector v (blue) is added to another vector w (red, upper illustration). Below, w is… … Wikipedia