Смотреть что такое "dryad" в других словарях:
Dryad — Dry ad, n. [L. dryas, pl. dryades, Gr. ?, pl. ?, fr. ? oak, tree. See {Tree}.] (Class. Myth.) A wood nymph; a nymph whose life was bound up with that of her tree. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
dryad — 1550s, from L. dryas, from Gk. dryas (pl. dryades) wood nymph, from drus (gen. dryos) oak, from PIE *deru tree, wood, oak (see TREE (Cf. tree)) … Etymology dictionary
dryad — [drī′ad΄, drī′əd] n. pl. dryads or dryades [drī′ə dēz΄] [L dryas (gen. dryadis) < Gr < drys, an oak, TREE] [also D ] Gr. & Rom. Myth. any of the nymphs living in trees; wood nymph dryadic [drī ad′ik] adj … English World dictionary
Dryad — For other uses, see Dryad (disambiguation). Greek deities series Primordial deities Titans and Olympians Aquatic deities … Wikipedia
DRYAD — This article is about the enciphering system. For other uses, see Dryad (disambiguation). The DRYAD Numeral Cipher/Authentication System (KTC 1400 D) is a simple, paper cryptographic system currently in use by the U.S. military for authentication … Wikipedia
Dryad — A dryad is a naiad, or water nymph, with a towel. A naiad is inclined to be wet, whereas, once she has dried off, she becomes a dryad … Dictionary of american slang
Dryad — A dryad is a naiad, or water nymph, with a towel. A naiad is inclined to be wet, whereas, once she has dried off, she becomes a dryad … Dictionary of american slang
dryad — UK [ˈdraɪæd] / US [ˈdraɪˌæd] / US [ˈdraɪəd] noun [countable] Word forms dryad : singular dryad plural dryads in ancient Greek literature, a female spirit who lives in trees … English dictionary
dryad — noun Etymology: Latin dryad , dryas, from Greek, from drys tree more at tree Date: 14th century wood nymph … New Collegiate Dictionary
dryad — driada statusas T sritis vardynas apibrėžtis Erškėtinių (Rosaceae) šeimos augalų gentis (Dryas). atitikmenys: lot. Dryas angl. dryad; mountain avens vok. Silberwurz rus. дриада lenk. dębik … Dekoratyvinių augalų vardynas
Dryad (repository) — Dryad is a disciplinary repository for data underlying peer reviewed articles in the basic and applied biosciences, including biomedicine. Dryad aims to allow scientists to validate published findings, explore new analysis methodologies, re… … Wikipedia