- dry process
1. "сухая" технология
2. подготовка компонентов керамической массы сухим способом
3. сухое эмалирование
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
dry process — sausoji technologija statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. dry process vok. Trockenverfahren, n rus. сухая технология, f pranc. technologie à sec, f … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
Dry process — Сухое проявление, проявление без использования растворов … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
Dry process electrophotography — Электрофотография с сухим проявлением (скрытого электростатического изображения) … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
Dry-process film — Фотоплёнка для сухого проявления (напр. нагревом) … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
Dry cleaning — (or dry cleaning) is any cleaning process for clothing and textiles using a chemical solvent other than water. The solvent used is typically tetrachloroethylene (perchloroethylene), abbreviated perc in the industry and dry cleaning fluid by the… … Wikipedia
Dry-plate process — Dry Dry (dr[imac]), a. [Compar. {Drier}; superl. {Driest}.] [OE. dru[yogh]e, druye, drie, AS. dryge; akin to LG. dr[ o]ge, D. droog, OHG. trucchan, G. trocken, Icel. draugr a dry log. Cf. {Drought}, {Drouth}, 3d {Drug}.] 1. Free from moisture;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Dry plate — Dry plate, also known as gelatin process, is an improved type of photographic plate. It was invented by Dr. Richard L. Maddox in 1871, and by 1879 it was so well introduced that the first dry plate factory had been established. With much of the… … Wikipedia
Dry ice blasting — is a process in which dry ice is accelerated in a pressurized air stream and directed at a surface in order to clean it. The method is similar to sand blasting, plastic bead blasting, or soda blasting but substitutes dry ice as the blasting… … Wikipedia
Dry — (dr[imac]), a. [Compar. {Drier}; superl. {Driest}.] [OE. dru[yogh]e, druye, drie, AS. dryge; akin to LG. dr[ o]ge, D. droog, OHG. trucchan, G. trocken, Icel. draugr a dry log. Cf. {Drought}, {Drouth}, 3d {Drug}.] 1. Free from moisture; having… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Dry area — Dry Dry (dr[imac]), a. [Compar. {Drier}; superl. {Driest}.] [OE. dru[yogh]e, druye, drie, AS. dryge; akin to LG. dr[ o]ge, D. droog, OHG. trucchan, G. trocken, Icel. draugr a dry log. Cf. {Drought}, {Drouth}, 3d {Drug}.] 1. Free from moisture;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Dry blow — Dry Dry (dr[imac]), a. [Compar. {Drier}; superl. {Driest}.] [OE. dru[yogh]e, druye, drie, AS. dryge; akin to LG. dr[ o]ge, D. droog, OHG. trucchan, G. trocken, Icel. draugr a dry log. Cf. {Drought}, {Drouth}, 3d {Drug}.] 1. Free from moisture;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English