dry humour

dry humour
о шутке, шпильке, которую произносят повседневным тоном, не замечая, что это шутка или шпилька

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "dry humour" в других словарях:

  • dry — [[t]dra͟ɪ[/t]] ♦♦ drier, dryer (comparative), driest, dries, drying, dried 1) ADJ GRADED If something is dry, there is no water or moisture on it or in it. Clean the metal with a soft dry cloth... Pat it dry with a soft towel …   English dictionary

  • dry — I UK [draɪ] / US adjective Word forms dry : adjective dry comparative dryer superlative dryest *** 1) a) something that is dry has no water in it or on it Is the grass dry enough to cut? Vegetables should be stored in a cool dry place.… …   English dictionary

  • dry — /draɪ / (say druy) adjective (drier, driest) 1. free from moisture; not moist; not wet. 2. not in or under the waters of the sea, rivers, etc.: the dry land. 3. having little or no rain: a dry climate; a dry season. 4. characterised by absence,… …  

  • dry*/*/*/ — [draɪ] adj I 1) something that is dry has little or no water or other liquid inside or on it Ant: wet Are your hands dry?[/ex] Vegetables should be stored in a cool dry place.[/ex] 2) with no rain Ant: wet warm dry places like southern Spain[/ex] …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • dry — ► ADJECTIVE (drier, driest) 1) free from moisture or liquid. 2) not yielding water, oil, or milk. 3) without grease or other moisturizer or lubricator. 4) dully factual. 5) unemotional or undemonstrative. 6) (o …   English terms dictionary

  • dry — dry1 W2S2 [draı] adj comparative drier superlative driest ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(not wet)¦ 2¦(weather)¦ 3 dry mouth/skin/lips/hair etc 4 run/go dry 5¦(humour)¦ 6¦(boring)¦ 7 dry cough 8 dry wine/sherr …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • humour — (BrE) (AmE humor) noun 1 amusing quality/ability to find things funny ADJECTIVE ▪ wry ▪ With wry humour, they laugh at their misfortunes. ▪ ironic, tongue in cheek ▪ self depr …   Collocations dictionary

  • humour — n. something funny 1) bitter, caustic; black; deadpan, dry, straight; earthy; gallows; infectious; irrepressible; slapstick; sly, wry; subtle humour 2) a sense of humour 3) a dash, trace, vein of humour mood 4) (a) bad; good humour (she s in good …   Combinatory dictionary

  • dry — 1 /draI/ adjective comparative driersuperlative driest 1 NOT WET without water or liquid inside or on the surface: The floor was made of hard dry earth. | The paint isn t dry yet be careful! | Can you check if the washing s dry? | shake/rub/wipe… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • dry — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} verb ADVERB ▪ carefully, completely, properly, thoroughly ▪ Wait until the paint has completely dried. ▪ Always dry clothes thoroughly before you wear them again. ▪ …   Collocations dictionary

  • humour — hu|mour1 BrE humor AmE [ˈhju:mə US ˈhju:mər, ˈju: ] n [U] 1.) the ability or tendency to think that things are funny, or funny things you say that show you have this ability ▪ his humour and charm ▪ Greg s feeble attempt at humour ▪ English… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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