Смотреть что такое "drown-out" в других словарях:
drown out — (something) to make it impossible to hear something. The plane was flying so low, the roar of its engines drowned out our conversation … New idioms dictionary
drown out — index extinguish Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
drown out — phr verb Drown out is used with these nouns as the subject: ↑music Drown out is used with these nouns as the object: ↑noise, ↑word … Collocations dictionary
drown out — verb To cover, obscure, or hide by being louder than. He uses the music to drown out other noises around him … Wiktionary
drown out something — drown out (something) to make it impossible to hear something. The plane was flying so low, the roar of its engines drowned out our conversation … New idioms dictionary
drown out — {v.} To make so much noise that it is impossible to hear (some other sound). * /The children s shouts drowned out the music./ * /The actor s words were drowned out by applause./ … Dictionary of American idioms
drown out — {v.} To make so much noise that it is impossible to hear (some other sound). * /The children s shouts drowned out the music./ * /The actor s words were drowned out by applause./ … Dictionary of American idioms
drown\ out — v To make so much noise that it is impossible to hear (some other sound). The children s shouts drowned out the music. The actor s words were drowned out by applause … Словарь американских идиом
drown out — make so much noise that it is impossible to hear The team captain was drowned out by the cheering fans … Idioms and examples
drown out — verb make imperceptible (Freq. 3) The noise from the ice machine drowned out the music • Hypernyms: ↑make noise, ↑resound, ↑noise • Verb Frames: Something s somebody … Useful english dictionary
drown out — (Roget s IV) v. Syn. silence, overwhelm, muffle; see hush 1 … English dictionary for students