- dropsied
- больной водянкой (медицина) вздувшийся, распухший
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Dropsied — Drop sied, a. Diseased with drops. Shak. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
dropsied — drop·sied … English syllables
dropsied — ˈdräpsēd, sid adjective Etymology: dropsy + ed : dropsical … Useful english dictionary
dropsy — dropsied /drop seed/, adj. /drop see/, n. 1. (formerly) edema. 2. an infectious disease of fishes, characterized by a swollen, spongelike body and protruding scales, caused by a variety of the bacterium Pseudomonas punctata. [1250 1300; ME… … Universalium
dropsy — /ˈdrɒpsi / (say dropsee) noun an excessive accumulation of serous fluid in a serous cavity or in the subcutaneous cellular tissue. {Middle English (y)dropesie, from Old French idropisie, from Latin hydrōpsis, from Greek hydrōps} –dropsical,… …
dropsy — [dräp′sē] n. [ME dropesie < ydropesie < OFr idropisie < L hydropisis < Gr hydrōps, dropsy < hydōr, WATER] former term for EDEMA dropsical [dräp′si kəl] adj. dropsied [dräp′sēd] dropsically adv … English World dictionary