Смотреть что такое "drop-shot" в других словарях:
Drop-Shot — Drop|shot, (auch:) Drop Shot [ drɔpʃɔt], der; [s], s [engl. drop shot, aus: drop = Tropfen, das Herabfallen u. shot = Schuss, Schlag] ([Tisch]tennis): Stoppball … Universal-Lexikon
drop shot — loc.s.m.inv. ES ingl. {{wmetafile0}} TS sport nel tennis, colpo smorzato che si dà alla palla per farla cadere subito dopo la rete Sinonimi: drop. {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: 1940. ETIMO: comp. di drop caduta e shot colpo … Dizionario italiano
drop-shot — dropˈ shot noun (tennis, etc) A ball made to drop close to the net immediately after clearing it • • • Main Entry: ↑drop … Useful english dictionary
drop shot — n. 1. shot made by letting molten metal fall in drops to solidify in a container of water below 2. Tennis, Volleyball, etc.Tennis Volleyball a shot hit lightly in which the ball drops just over the net with very little bounce … English World dictionary
drop-shot — (izg. drȍp šȍt) m DEFINICIJA sport 1. u stolnom tenisu i badmintonu loptica koja se vraća neposredno uz protivnikovu stranu mrežice; skraćena lopta 2. u tenisu, udarac po lopti odmah nakon njenog odskoka s tla ETIMOLOGIJA engl … Hrvatski jezični portal
drop shot — n a shot in a game such as tennis in which the ball is hit softly and falls quickly to the ground … Dictionary of contemporary English
drop shot — drop ,shot noun count a shot in tennis in which the ball falls suddenly so your opponent cannot reach it easily … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
drop shot — ► NOUN ▪ (in tennis or squash) a softly hit shot which drops abruptly to the ground … English terms dictionary
drop shot — drop′ shot n. 1) spo a ball or shuttlecock so softly hit that it falls to the playing surface just after clearing the net, as in tennis or badminton 2) spo a ball so softly hit that it falls suddenly to the ground just after striking the front… … From formal English to slang
Drop shot — Tennis shots Forehand Backhand Serve Volley Slice Lob Smash See also: Ace … Wikipedia
drop shot — noun a soft return so that the tennis ball drops abruptly after crossing the net • Syn: ↑dink • Hypernyms: ↑return * * * noun 1. : a delicately hit ball or shuttlecock that drops quickly after crossing the net or dies after hitting the front wall … Useful english dictionary