drop-leaf table

drop-leaf table
стол с откидной доской

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "drop-leaf table" в других словарях:

  • Drop-leaf table — A drop leaf table is a table that has a fixed section in the center and a hinged section (leaf) on either side that can be folded down (dropped). If the leaf is supported by a bracket when folded up, the table is simply a drop leaf table; if the… …   Wikipedia

  • drop-leaf table — ▪ furniture  table with one or two hinged leaves supported by articulated legs, arms, or brackets. An early 17th century form is the gateleg table, which was followed by two later English forms the Pembroke table and its more elongated version,… …   Universalium

  • drop-leaf table — noun a table that has a drop leaf to enlarge its surface • Hypernyms: ↑table • Hyponyms: ↑gateleg table • Part Meronyms: ↑drop leaf …   Useful english dictionary

  • drop-leaf table — noun A table having a hinged section that can be fixed in a horizontal position to extend the table and is folded down when not needed …   Wiktionary

  • drop leaf — noun : a table leaf hinged to the side or end of a table and folded down when not in use * * * drop leaf, adj. Furniture. a hinged leaf attached to the end or side of a table that can be raised to extend the tabletop or folded vertically downward …   Useful english dictionary

  • drop-leaf — noun a hinged leaf on a table that can be raised and supported by a bracket • Hypernyms: ↑leaf • Part Holonyms: ↑drop leaf table * * * dropˈ leaf adjective (of a desk or table) with a hinged leaf (or leaves) which can be raised or dropped to… …   Useful english dictionary

  • drop leaf — drop′ leaf n. fur a hinged leaf attached to a table that can be raised to extend the tabletop or folded vertically downward when not in use • Etymology: 1880–85 drop′ leaf , adj …   From formal English to slang

  • drop leaf — ☆ drop leaf n. a hinged board attached to the side or end of a table as an extension of the surface: it hangs down when not in use drop leaf adj …   English World dictionary

  • drop leaf — drop leaf, adj. Furniture. a hinged leaf attached to the end or side of a table that can be raised to extend the tabletop or folded vertically downward when not in use. [1880 85] * * * …   Universalium

  • drop leaf — /ˈdrɒp lif/ (say drop leef) noun an extension attached to the end or side of a table and folded vertically when not needed. –drop leaf, adjective …  

  • drop leaf — noun Date: 1882 a hinged leaf on the side or end of a table that can be folded down …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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