- drop-frame
- низкорамный - drop-frame trailer
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Drop-Frame — HD Alteration of timecode to match the framerate of NTSC video to a time of day clock. NTSC video actually runs at 29.97 frames per second (30/1.001). To keep the timecode on an NTSC videotape synchronous with a time of day clock, it needs to… … Audio and video glossary
Drop-frame timecode — PP Timecode that is modified to remain in sync when 29.97 fps NTSC video is broadcast at 30 fps. In order to retain accuracy, the first two timecode frames of every minute are dropped, with the exception of every tenth minute. Note that only the… … Audio and video glossary
Drop Frame — F/A/V American system of time code generation that adjusts the generated data every minute to compensate for the spread of the NTSC television system running at 29.97 frames per second … Audio and video glossary
drop frame — noun : a machine for stamping sheets of candy and cutting them into pieces or figures … Useful english dictionary
drop-frame — ˈ ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷ adjective : having most or all of the floor at an unusually low level used especially of the chassis of a motor truck or a trailer … Useful english dictionary
Non-Drop-Frame — HD Timecode counting scheme that always counts 30 frames in a second. Because NTSC video operates at 29.97 frames per second, the counting timecode will not match the time of day. Since there is no drop frame format for native 24P, it is not… … Audio and video glossary
Non-drop frame timecode (NDF) — PP Timecode that counts every frame and does not compensate for the innacuracies that occur when 29.97 fps is converted to 30 for NTSC broadcast. See also drop frame timecode … Audio and video glossary
Frame rate — Frame rate, or frame frequency, is the measurement of the frequency (rate) at which an imaging device produces unique consecutive images called frames. The term applies equally well to computer graphics, video cameras, film cameras, and motion… … Wikipedia
Drop-stitch knitting — is a knitting technique for producing open, vertical stripes in a garment. The basic idea is to knit a solid fabric, then (deliberately) drop one or more stitches (i.e., draw a loop out from the loop below it, and so on repeatedly), producing a… … Wikipedia
Frame maker — FrameMaker ist ein professionelles Autorensystem zur Verwaltung und printorientierten Präsentation von technischen Dokumenten, das ursprünglich von der Firma Frame Technologies entwickelt und vertrieben wurde und Mitte der 1990er Jahre von Adobe… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Drop-down list — A drop down list with generic entries In computing with graphical user interfaces, a drop down list is a user interface control GUI element ( widget ), similar to a list box, which allows the user to choose one value from a list. When a drop down … Wikipedia