drop table

drop table

1. откидной стол
2. параллельно-подъемный стол (реверсивного стана трио)

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "drop table" в других словарях:

  • Drop table — ’Lord Nelson’ class No. 851 Sir Francis Drake, at a drop table at Stewarts Lane, c. 1928 …   Wikipedia

  • drop table — drop′ ta ble n. fur a tabletop hinged to a wall, held in a horizontal position by a bracket while in use • Etymology: 1860–65 …   From formal English to slang

  • drop table — a tabletop hinged to a wall, held in a horizontal position by a bracket while in use. [1860 65] * * * …   Universalium

  • drop table — noun : a hinged tabletop that folds against a wall when not in use * * * a tabletop hinged to a wall, held in a horizontal position by a bracket while in use. [1860 65] …   Useful english dictionary

  • Drop D tuning — Drop D tuning. Drop D tuning, also known as DADGBE, is an alternate, or scordatura, form of guitar tuning specifically, a dropped tuning in which the lowest (sixth) string is tuned down ( dropped ) from the usual E of standard tuning by one whole …   Wikipedia

  • Drop — may refer to: Contents 1 General use 2 Sports 3 Computers and technology …   Wikipedia

  • drop leaf — drop′ leaf n. fur a hinged leaf attached to a table that can be raised to extend the tabletop or folded vertically downward when not in use • Etymology: 1880–85 drop′ leaf , adj …   From formal English to slang

  • drop leaf — ☆ drop leaf n. a hinged board attached to the side or end of a table as an extension of the surface: it hangs down when not in use drop leaf adj …   English World dictionary

  • drop|light — «DROP LYT», noun. a gas or electric lamp connected with a fixture by a tube or wire so that it may be lowered above a desk or table …   Useful english dictionary

  • drop leaf — drop leaf, adj. Furniture. a hinged leaf attached to the end or side of a table that can be raised to extend the tabletop or folded vertically downward when not in use. [1880 85] * * * …   Universalium

  • Drop-leaf table — A drop leaf table is a table that has a fixed section in the center and a hinged section (leaf) on either side that can be folded down (dropped). If the leaf is supported by a bracket when folded up, the table is simply a drop leaf table; if the… …   Wikipedia

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