drop one's bundle — (Aust sl) To lose one s nerve, to give up • • • Main Entry: ↑bundle … Useful english dictionary
drop one's bundle Austral./NZ — informal go to pieces. → bundle … English new terms dictionary
Drop one's bundle — to lose control of the situation and to find it hard to get it sorted out or to cope with things ( Bundle a load you carry ); to surrender, give up without trying … Dictionary of Australian slang
drop one's bundle — Australian Slang to lose control of the situation and to find it hard to get it sorted out or to cope with things ( Bundle a load you carry ); to surrender, give up without trying … English dialects glossary
drop one's bundle — vb Australian to panic. The bundle in question may originate in a hobo s pack, or may be a reference to fright s tendency to empty the bowels … Contemporary slang
bundle — /ˈbʌndl / (say bundl) noun 1. a group loosely held together: a bundle of hay. 2. something wrapped for carrying; package. 3. a number of things considered together. 4. Biology → vascular bundle. 5. British Textiles a measure of cloth, equal to… …
bundle — bundler, n. /bun dl/, n., v., bundled, bundling. n. 1. several objects or a quantity of material gathered or bound together: a bundle of hay. 2. an item, group, or quantity wrapped for carrying; package. 3. a number of things considered together … Universalium
bundle — noun 1》 a collection of things or quantity of material tied or wrapped up together. ↘Anatomy a set of nerve, muscle, or other fibres running in parallel close together. 2》 informal a large amount of money. verb 1》 tie or roll up in or as if… … English new terms dictionary
drop a bundle — vb to lose a large amount of money (by gambling or speculative investment, for instance). See also drop one s bundle … Contemporary slang
Bundle branch block — ICDO = OMIM = MedlinePlus = eMedicineSubj = ped eMedicineTopic = 2501 eMedicine mult = eMedicine2|ped|2500 MeshName = Bundle Branch+Block MeshNumber = C14.280.067.558.323 A bundle branch block refers to a defect of the heart s electrical… … Wikipedia
Hand drop — Hand Hand (h[a^]nd), n. [AS. hand, hond; akin to D., G., & Sw. hand, OHG. hant, Dan. haand, Icel. h[ o]nd, Goth. handus, and perh. to Goth. hin[thorn]an to seize (in comp.). Cf. {Hunt}.] 1. That part of the fore limb below the forearm or wrist in … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English