drop off

drop off

1) расходиться
2) уменьшаться
3) заснуть I was sitting in the armchair reading the newspaper when I dropped off. ≈ Я сидел в кресле и читал газету, и не заметил, как заснул. I had a bad night. I went to bed early enough but for some reason I couldn't drop off. ≈ Сегодня была плохая ночь. Я рано лег спать, но никак не мог отключиться, не знаю, почему.
4) умереть
5) оставить кого-л., что-л. Drop me off at the corner, and I'll walk from there. ≈ Выкинь меня на углу, дальше я дойду сам. I just want to drop this letter off. ≈ Мне только нужно опустить письмо в ящик.
6) ухудшаться выходить, уходить по одному;
выходить один за другим;
расходиться выходить (из машины и т. п.) высаживать - drop me off at the corner высадите меня на углу отходить ко сну - as soon as he was in bed he dropped right off он лег в постель и мгновенно уснул умирать (тж. * the hooks) становиться реже, уменьшаться - his practice has dropped off его практика сократилась - publication of new work dropped off объем публикации новых работ резко сократился

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "drop off" в других словарях:

  • drop-off — ˈdrop off noun [countable] 1. if there is a drop off in the amount, level, or number of something, it goes down or becomes less: • There has been a drop off in tourism this year. • temporary drop offs in sales 2. TRANSPORT a delivery, or the… …   Financial and business terms

  • Drop Off — In game screenshot Developer(s) Data East Publisher(s) Hudson Soft …   Wikipedia

  • drop-off — /drop awf , of /, n. 1. a vertical or very steep descent: The trail has a drop off of several hundred feet. 2. a decline; decrease: Sales have shown a considerable drop off this year. 3. a place where a person or thing can be left, received,… …   Universalium

  • drop off — {v.} 1. To take (someone or something) part of the way you are going. * /Joe asked Mrs. Jones to drop him off at the library on her way downtown./ 2. To go to sleep. * /Jimmy was thinking of his birthday party as he dropped off to sleep./ 3. To… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • drop off — {v.} 1. To take (someone or something) part of the way you are going. * /Joe asked Mrs. Jones to drop him off at the library on her way downtown./ 2. To go to sleep. * /Jimmy was thinking of his birthday party as he dropped off to sleep./ 3. To… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • drop-off — drop ,off1 noun count a reduction in the amount or level of something: We often see a drop off in business in the winter. drop off drop ,off 2 adjective used about the time or place that you deliver something somewhere: a drop off point/zone …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • drop-off — n. 1. a noticeable decline in performance; as, a drop off in attendance. [WordNet sense 1] Syn: slump, falloff, falling off. [WordNet 1.5] 2. a steep high face of rock. Syn: cliff. [WordNet sense 2] [WordNet 1.5] 3. a change downward; as, there… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • drop off — [v1] decrease decline, diminish, dwindle, fall away, fall off, lessen, sag, slacken, slide, slip, slump; concepts 698,776 Ant. go up, increase, rise drop off [v2] deliver deposit, give, hand over, leave, let off, present, set down, unload;… …   New thesaurus

  • drop off — (someone/something) to leave someone or something at a particular place. “Discovery” dropped off supplies and picked up an American astronaut who had spent four months on the space station. Parents drop their kids off at daycare early in the… …   New idioms dictionary

  • drop-off — drop′ off n. 1) a vertical or very steep descent 2) a decline; decrease: a drop off in sales[/ex] 3) cvb a place where a person or thing can be left, received, etc 4) cvb of, for, or pertaining to a delivery or return of someone or something to a …   From formal English to slang

  • drop off — ► drop off fall asleep, especially without intending to. Main Entry: ↑drop …   English terms dictionary

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