- drop like a hot potato
- поспешить избавиться от чего-л.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
drop like a hot potato — If you drop someone or something like a hot potato, you leave them or immediately stop associating with them. As soon as the article was published, she dropped him like a hot potato … English Idioms & idiomatic expressions
drop like a hot potato — drop (someone/something) like a hot brick/potato informal to suddenly get rid of someone or something that you have been involved with because you do not want them any more or you are worried they may cause problems. The government dropped the… … New idioms dictionary
drop like a hot potato — get rid of quickly … English contemporary dictionary
drop like a hot potato — Abandon quickly … A concise dictionary of English slang
drop someone or something like a hot potato — tv. to disassociate oneself with omeone or something instantly. □ When we learned of the conviction, we dropped him like a hot potato. □ I dropped the idea like a hot potato … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
drop him like a hot potato — leave him, not associate with him If she finds out you re not rich, she ll drop you like a hot potato … English idioms
like a hot potato — See drop him like a hot potato … English idioms
drop someone like a hot potato — drop (someone/something) like a hot brick/potato informal to suddenly get rid of someone or something that you have been involved with because you do not want them any more or you are worried they may cause problems. The government dropped the… … New idioms dictionary
drop something like a hot potato — drop (someone/something) like a hot brick/potato informal to suddenly get rid of someone or something that you have been involved with because you do not want them any more or you are worried they may cause problems. The government dropped the… … New idioms dictionary
drop like a hot brick — drop (someone/something) like a hot brick/potato informal to suddenly get rid of someone or something that you have been involved with because you do not want them any more or you are worried they may cause problems. The government dropped the… … New idioms dictionary
drop something like a hot potato — v. get rid of something as quick as lightning; beware of something like from fire, be extremely careful … English contemporary dictionary