drop down — ˈdrop down noun [countable] COMPUTING a list of possible choices that appears on your computer screen when you press the right hand button on the mouse; = pull down … Financial and business terms
drop down on — drop on or drop down on To single out for reproof or an unpleasant task • • • Main Entry: ↑drop … Useful english dictionary
drop-down — ˈ ̷ ̷ ˌ ̷ ̷ adjective Etymology: from the phrase drop down : pull down a drop down menu appears on the screen * * * dropˈ down adjective Denoting a menu on a computer screen that can be accessed by clicking on a button on the toolbar … Useful english dictionary
drop down — verb fall or descend to a lower place or level He sank to his knees • Syn: ↑sink, ↑drop • Derivationally related forms: ↑drop (for: ↑drop) • Hypernyms … Useful english dictionary
drop-down — 1. adjective Of a computer menu, opening downward to reveal a list of possible options. Make your selection from the drop down list. 2. noun A type of menu that, when selected, opens downward to reveal a list of possible options … Wiktionary
drop-down — also dropdown ADJ: ADJ n A drop down menu, list, or box is a list of options that appears on a computer screen when you select an item with a computer mouse. [COMPUTING] Select Delete all from the drop down list … English dictionary
drop-down — adjective Date: 1951 pull down < a drop down menu > … New Collegiate Dictionary
drop-down — adj. Drop down is used with these nouns: ↑menu … Collocations dictionary
Drop-down-Menü — Drop down Me|nü [… da̮un…], das [engl. drop down menu, aus: drop down = sich heruntersenkend, Sink u. menu, ↑ Menü (2)] (EDV): Auswahlfenster, das sich unterhalb des Mauszeigers od. einer Menüleiste öffnet. * * * Drop down Menü [von engl. to… … Universal-Lexikon
drop-down menu — ➔ menu * * * drop down menu UK US noun [C] (also drop down, also pull down menu) IT ► a list of choices on a computer screen that you can see by clicking on the top of the list with your computer mouse: »Choose Properties from the … Financial and business terms
drop-down menu — drop down .menu n a list of choices which appears on a computer screen when you ↑click on a place on the screen … Dictionary of contemporary English