Смотреть что такое "droopy" в других словарях:
Droopy — es un personaje animado creado por Tex Avery para el estudio de animación de Metro Goldwyn Mayer en 1943 con una personalidad opuesta a otro famoso personaje de MGM, Screwy Squirrel. Era conocido originalmente como Happy Hound hasta 1949, este… … Wikipedia Español
Droopy — Dog (zumeist kurz Droopy genannt; in der deutschen Übersetzung Drops) ist eine Zeichentrickfigur, die 1943 von Tex Avery für die Cartoons von Metro Goldwyn Mayer geschaffen wurde. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Die Figur 1.1 Charakter 1.2 Name … Deutsch Wikipedia
Droopy — est un chien anthropomorphe de dessin animé créé par Tex Avery. Présentation Il apparaît dans 16 films, tous chez MGM, et se présente toujours comme le héros de l histoire ( You know what? ... I am the hero ). Il est lent et triste, mais est… … Wikipédia en Français
droopy — adj. bending downward due to lack of tautness; of lines. Syn: drooping, sagging, slack. [WordNet 1.5] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
droopy — index powerless Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
droopy — dejected, sad, gloomy, early 13c., drupie, perhaps from DROOP (Cf. droop), perhaps from O.N. drupr drooping spirits, faintness … Etymology dictionary
droopy — [adj] limp bent, drooping, flabby, floppy, languid, languorous, lassitudinous, pendulous, sagging, saggy, slouchy, stooped, wilting; concept 485 Ant. full, inflated, raised … New thesaurus
droopy — ► ADJECTIVE (droopier, droopiest) 1) hanging down limply; drooping. 2) lacking strength or spirit. DERIVATIVES droopily adverb droopiness noun … English terms dictionary
droopy — [dro͞o′pē] adj. droopier, droopiest 1. drooping or tending to droop 2. Informal tired or dejected droopily adv. droopiness n … English World dictionary
Droopy — For the Star Wars character, see Droopy McCool. Droopy A standard Droopy opening title card from 195? 1955 Directed by Tex Avery Dick Lundy … Wikipedia
droopy — [[t]dru͟ːpi[/t]] droopier, droopiest ADJ GRADED If you describe something as droopy, you mean that it hangs down with no strength or firmness. ...a tall man with a droopy moustache … English dictionary