drive time

drive time
элн время разгонки примеси

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "drive time" в других словарях:

  • drive time — UK US noun [U] MARKETING ► the time during which people drive to or from work, considered to be a good time for radio advertisements: »It s always been accepted that radio reaches people in drive time and television reaches them in prime time.… …   Financial and business terms

  • drive-time — UK US noun [U] MARKETING ► the time during which people drive to or from work, considered to be a good time for radio advertisements: »It s always been accepted that radio reaches people in drive time and television reaches them in prime time.… …   Financial and business terms

  • drive time — ☆ drive time n. either of the two weekday time periods during which many people drive to or from work and, while doing so, listen to a car radio: term used chiefly in connection with radio programming drive time adj. * * * ➡ radio * * * …   Universalium

  • drive time — ☆ drive time n. either of the two weekday time periods during which many people drive to or from work and, while doing so, listen to a car radio: term used chiefly in connection with radio programming drive time adj …   English World dictionary

  • drive-time — ˈdrive time ; adjective • a drive time radio show Main entry: ↑drive timederived …   Useful english dictionary

  • Drive Time — ist neben der Prime Time die zweite Spitzenzeit beim Hörfunk. Sie bezieht sich auf die Zeit zwischen 16 und 19 Uhr, wenn die meisten Hörer nach Feierabend im Auto sitzen, und auf dem Weg nachhause Radio hören. Neben zusätzlichen Sonderprogrammen …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • drive time — drive′ time n. rtv cvb bus the rush hour, when commuters listen to car radios: perceived as a source of increased ratings for programs and a consequent increase in advertising revenue • Etymology: 1965–70 …   From formal English to slang

  • Drive time — For the company, see DriveTime. Drive time is the daypart analog to prime time for radio broadcasting. It consists of the morning hours when listeners wake up, get ready, and/or head to work or school, and the afternoon hours when they are… …   Wikipedia

  • drive time — noun : the time during rush hour when radio audiences are swelled by commuters listening to car radios * * * drive time noun 1. The time taken to complete a journey by road 2. The time of day when many people are travelling to or from work, esp… …   Useful english dictionary

  • drive time — noun a) The time it takes to drive between two points. My commute drive time is usually 45 minutes, but it can be 20 if I leave at 5:30am. b) The time of the day when most people commute to work, seen as a popular time to listen to the radio.… …   Wiktionary

  • drive time — WikiB Drive time refers to the period of time where the majority of radio listeners travel to or from work (i.e. rush hour). This is traditionally 6 10 am and 2 6 pm, and is normally accompanied by radio stations highest listenership. Commercials …   Audio and video glossary

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