drive a nail home
Смотреть что такое "drive a nail home" в других словарях:
drive a nail home — v. certify, confirm serve as evidence, serve as proof … English contemporary dictionary
home — [hōm] n. [ME < OE hām, akin to Ger heim < Gmc * haim < IE base * kei , to lie, homestead > HIDE3, Gr keisthai, to lie down, rest, L civis, townsman, ON heimr, home, Goth haima, OHG heim: basic sense “place where one lies; dwelling”] 1 … English World dictionary
Home — Home, adv. 1. To one s home or country; as in the phrases, go home, come home, carry home. [1913 Webster] 2. Close; closely. [1913 Webster] How home the charge reaches us, has been made out. South. [1913 Webster] They come home to men s business… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
home — I. noun Etymology: Middle English hom, from Old English hām village, home; akin to Old High German heim home, Lithuanian šeima family, servants, Sanskrit kṣema habitable, kṣeti he dwells, Greek ktizein to inhabit Date: before 12th century 1. a.… … New Collegiate Dictionary
home — 1. As an adverb, home has many idiomatic uses as in come home and go home, see someone home, drive a nail (or point) home, etc. When the meaning is ‘in his or her home’ the British preference is to use at home (He stayed at home / Are they at… … Modern English usage
drive — [[t]dra͟ɪv[/t]] ♦ drives, driving, drove, driven 1) VERB When you drive somewhere, you operate a car or other vehicle and control its movement and direction. [V prep/adv] I drove into town and went to a restaurant for dinner... [V prep/adv] He… … English dictionary
drive — v. & n. v. (past drove; past part. driven) 1 tr. (usu. foll. by away, back, in, out, to, etc.) urge in some direction, esp. forcibly (drove back the wolves). 2 tr. a (usu. foll. by to + infin., or to + verbal noun) compel or constrain forcibly… … Useful english dictionary
drive home — verb a) To push to or into a target. He grunted as he drove each nail home. b) To emphasize (a point) with tangible or powerful demonstration. Karli shook himself, drove home the last nail with a flat stone, straightened up … Wiktionary
home — n., adj., adv., & v. n. 1 a the place where one lives; the fixed residence of a family or household. b a dwelling house. 2 the members of a family collectively; one s family background (comes from a good home). 3 the native land of a person or of … Useful english dictionary
To bring home — Home Home, adv. 1. To one s home or country; as in the phrases, go home, come home, carry home. [1913 Webster] 2. Close; closely. [1913 Webster] How home the charge reaches us, has been made out. South. [1913 Webster] They come home to men s… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
To come home — Home Home, adv. 1. To one s home or country; as in the phrases, go home, come home, carry home. [1913 Webster] 2. Close; closely. [1913 Webster] How home the charge reaches us, has been made out. South. [1913 Webster] They come home to men s… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English