Смотреть что такое "drinkingwater" в других словарях:
Non-revenue water — (NRW) is water that has been produced and is “lost” before it reaches the customer. Losses can be real losses (through leaks, sometimes also referred to as physical losses) or apparent losses (for example through theft or metering inaccuracies).… … Wikipedia
Бушмены — Бушмены … Википедия
Flare (pyrotechnic) — Signal flare redirects here. For the Transformers character, see Signal Flare (Transformers). Pyrotechnics portal … Wikipedia
Fireworks — Firework redirects here. For other uses, see Fireworks (disambiguation). Pyrotechnics portal … Wikipedia
Water purification — This article is about large scale, municipal water purification. For portable/emergency water purification, see portable water purification. For industrial water purification, see deionized water. For distilled water, see distilled water. Water… … Wikipedia
Bottled water — is drinking water packaged in bottles for individual consumption and retail sale. The water can be glacial water, spring water, well water, purified water or simply water from the public water supply (tap water). [ [http://www.rd.com/special… … Wikipedia
Upper Occoquan Sewage Authority — The Upper Occoquan Sewage Authority (UOSA) controls a major sewage treatment plant in Centreville, Virginia. The plant discharges into Bull Run, a major tributary of the Occoquan River in Northern Virginia. The plant serves residents in Fairfax… … Wikipedia
Water supply and sanitation in the United States — is provided by towns and cities, public utilities that span several jurisdictions and rural cooperatives. About 15 million Americans are served by their own wells. Public water supply and sanitation systems are regulated by state level regulatory … Wikipedia
El-Sheikh Zayed City — (Arabic, مدينة الشيخ زايد) is one of the new suburbs of the Greater Cairo metropolis in Egypt. The city, was established in 1995.GeographyZayed is located 38 KM in the northwest of Cairo downtown and is about 15 KM from Lebanon Sq. El Mohandiseen … Wikipedia
Marcellus Formation — Stratigraphic range: Middle Devonian … Wikipedia