drinking bout
Смотреть что такое "drinking bout" в других словарях:
drinking bout — noun a long period of drinking • Hypernyms: ↑drink, ↑drinking, ↑boozing, ↑drunkenness, ↑crapulence * * * drinking bout noun • • • Main Entry: ↑drink * * * … Useful english dictionary
drinking-bout — noun A period of drinking, especially one involving intensive alcohol consumption. The poet Dylan Thomas, a regular, died after a drinking bout there in 1953 … Wiktionary
drinking bout — (Roget s IV) n. Syn. debauch, spree, bacchanalia, carousal, bender*, binge*, tear*, drunk*, jag*, toot*; see also orgy … English dictionary for students
drinking-bout — n. Carouse, carousal, revel, revelry, jollification, bacchanals, saturnalia, debauch, compotation, wassail, orgies, spree (colloq.) … New dictionary of synonyms
drinking bout — n spree, fling, carouse, carousal, revel, revelry, wassail, celebration, Scot. randy; orgy, debauch, saturnalia; drunk, potation, compotation, guzzle, drunken carousal or revelry, bacchanal, bacchanalia; All Sl. binge, bender, bust, toot, tear,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
Bout — Bout, n. [A different spelling and application of bought bend.] [1913 Webster] 1. As much of an action as is performed at one time; a going and returning, as of workmen in reaping, mowing, etc.; a turn; a round. [1913 Webster] In notes with many… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
bout — [ baut ] noun count 1. ) a short period when you are sick or you feel unhappy: bout with: Barry has endured bouts with lung and throat cancer. bout of: a bout of flu/depression/homesickness a ) a short period when you do something a lot or… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
bout — [baut] n [Date: 1500 1600; Origin: bout one trip up the field and back in plowing (16 19 centuries), from bought bending (14 17 centuries)] 1.) a bout of depression/flu/sickness etc a short period of time during which you suffer from an illness 2 … Dictionary of contemporary English
bout — UK [baʊt] / US noun [countable] Word forms bout : singular bout plural bouts 1) a) a short period when you are ill or you feel unhappy bout of: a bout of flu/depression/homesickness b) a short period when you do something a lot or something… … English dictionary
drinking — noun 1. the act of consuming liquids (Freq. 10) • Syn: ↑imbibing, ↑imbibition • Derivationally related forms: ↑imbibe (for: ↑imbibition), ↑imbibe ( … Useful english dictionary
bout — noun (C) 1 a bout of flu/nausea/depression etc a short period of time during which you suffer from an illness 2 a short period of time during which you do something a lot, especially something that is bad for you: After a near fatal drinking bout … Longman dictionary of contemporary English