drink away

drink away
пропивать Tom drank the whole of his father's fortune away. ≈ Том пропил все отцовское наследство. Some people try to drink their sorrows away. ≈ Некоторые люди пытаются утопить свое горе в вине. It is easy to drink away a whole night. ≈ Пить всю ночь напролет? Да запросто! пропивать (что-л.) пить стакан за стаканом

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "drink away" в других словарях:

  • Drink driving (United Kingdom) — Drink driving laws in the United Kingdom govern driving, attempting to drive, or being in charge of a motor vehicle when either over the prescribed limits of alcohol in the body, or unfit to drive as a result of consuming alcohol or other… …   Wikipedia

  • Drink It Down — Regular edition cover Single by L Arc en Ciel Released April 2, 2008 …   Wikipedia

  • Drink-Drank-Drunk — Directed by Derek Yee Starring Miriam Yeung Daniel Wu Alex Fong Vincent Kok Hu Jing Ella Koon Release …   Wikipedia

  • drink you under the table — drink more liquor than you, drink and not pass out, put you away    After three glasses of beer, you re nearly drunk. I bet I can drink you under the table! …   English idioms

  • drink — [n] beverage; alcoholic beverage alcohol, booze*, brew, cup, draft, glass, gulp, libation, liquid, liquor, potable, potation, potion, refreshment, shot, sip, slug*, spirits, spot*, swallow, swig, taste, thirst quencher*, toast; concept 454 Ant.… …   New thesaurus

  • drink — v. & n. v. (past drank; past part. drunk) 1 a tr. swallow (a liquid). b tr. swallow the liquid contents of (a vessel). c intr. swallow liquid, take draughts (drank from the stream). 2 intr. take alcohol, esp. to excess (I have heard that he… …   Useful english dictionary

  • drink — 1. verb 1) she drank her coffee Syn: swallow, gulp down, quaff, guzzle, imbibe, sip, consume; informal swig, down, knock back, put away, swill, chug 2) he never drank Syn …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • drink n. the water of the ocean, lake, pond, etc. — □ Stay away from the edge of the boat unless you want to fall in the drink …   Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions

  • Eat Me, Drink Me — Studio album by Marilyn Manson Released June …   Wikipedia

  • Backdraft (drink) — WPMIXInfobox iba = source = sourcelink = name = Backdraft caption = type = cocktail flaming = yes sambuca = yes cointreau = yes served = straight garnish = cinnamon drinkware = shot ingredients = * Grand Marnier * Drambuie * Cinnamon * Ice prep …   Wikipedia

  • Cobra Energy Drink Iron Men — Leagues Philippine Basketball League (2006 2010) PBA Developmental League (2011 present) Founded 2006 History Bacchus Energy Drink 2006 2007 Bacchus Energy Drink Raiders/Warriors 2007 2008 Cobra Energy Drink Iron Man 2009 Present …   Wikipedia

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