Смотреть что такое "driftless" в других словарях:
Driftless — Drift less, a. Having no drift or direction; without aim; purposeless. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
driftless — ˈdriftlə̇s adjective Etymology: drift (I) + less 1. : having no aim or direction : being without purpose to the rookie, military directives seem driftless 2. : free from glacial drift a section driftless except for loess deposits … Useful english dictionary
Driftless (novel) — Driftless a winner of the Milkweed Editions National Fiction Prize, is a novel by David Rhodes that was published in 2008. It is set in the Driftless area of southwestern Wisconsin. The novel is about the inhabitants of the unincorporated town of … Wikipedia
Driftless Area — Relief map showing primarily the Minnesota part of the Driftless Area. The wide diagonal river is the Upper Mississippi River. In this area, it forms the boundary between Minnesota and Wisconsin. The rivers entering the Mississippi from the west… … Wikipedia
Driftless Area National Wildlife Refuge — Coordinates: 42°41′00″N 91°07′30″W / 42.6833333°N 91.125°W / 42.6833333; 91.125 … Wikipedia
Driftless Area National Wildlife Refuge — Sp Driftleso Regiòno nacionãlinis gamtõs rezervãtas Ap Driftless Area National Wildlife Refuge L JAV (Ajova) … Pasaulio vietovardžiai. Internetinė duomenų bazė
driftless — a. Aimless, purposeless, without an object … New dictionary of synonyms
driftless — drift·less … English syllables
driftless area — a tract of land that was once surrounded but never covered by a continental glacier, consequently having no glacial deposits. * * * … Universalium
driftless area — noun : an area (as in Wisconsin and parts of Minnesota, Illinois, and Iowa) that is free from glacial drift and seems not to have been covered by the Pleistocene ice * * * a tract of land that was once surrounded but never covered by a… … Useful english dictionary
David Rhodes (author) — David Rhodes (born in 1946) is an American novelist. He has published four books. The most recent, Driftless, was published in 2008. Contents 1 Biography 2 Works 3 References 4 … Wikipedia