dresser set

dresser set
набор туалетных принадлежностей

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "dresser set" в других словарях:

  • dresser set — noun Etymology: dresser (I) : a set for use on a dresser or dressing table consisting of comb, hairbrush, and mirror and sometimes including such other personal items as manicure articles and cosmetics containers * * * a set of toilet articles,… …   Useful english dictionary

  • dresser set — dress′er set n. a set of toilet articles, as comb, brush, and mirror, for arrangement and use on a dresser or vanity • Etymology: 1930–35 …   From formal English to slang

  • dresser set — noun Date: circa 1934 a set of toilet articles including hairbrush, comb, and mirror for use at a dresser or dressing table …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • dresser set — a set of toilet articles, as comb, brush, mirror, etc., usually of matching design, for arrangement and use on a dresser or vanity. [1930 35] * * * …   Universalium

  • Set dresser — Set dressers arrange objects on a film set before shooting. They work under the direction of a leadman, a set decorator and a production designer. Set dressers place furniture, hang pictures, and put out decorative items. They are also… …   Wikipedia

  • dresser — dress er, n. 1. One who dresses; one who put in order or makes ready for use; one who on clothes or ornaments. [1913 Webster] 2. (Mining) A kind of pick for shaping large coal. [1913 Webster] 3. An assistant in a hospital, whose office it is to… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • dresser — dresser1 /dres euhr/, n. 1. a person who dresses. 2. a person employed to dress actors, care for costumes, etc., at a theater, television studio, or the like. 3. Chiefly Brit. a surgeon s assistant. 4. a person who dresses in a particular manner …   Universalium

  • dresser — I. /ˈdrɛsə / (say dresuh) noun 1. someone who dresses: a snappy dresser. 2. someone employed to help to dress actors, etc., at a theatre. 3. any of several tools or devices used in dressing materials, as a hammer used to dress lead. 4. an… …  

  • Set decorator — A set decorator is in charge of the set dressing on a film set, which includes the furnishings, wallpaper, lighting fixtures, and many of the other objects that will be seen in the film. Props and set dressing often overlap, but are provided by… …   Wikipedia

  • dresser — I dress•er [[t]ˈdrɛs ər[/t]] n. 1) one that dresses 2) sbz a person employed to dress actors 3) a person who dresses in a particular manner: a fancy dresser[/ex] • Etymology: 1510–20 II dress•er [[t]ˈdrɛs ər[/t]] n. 1) fur a chest of drawers, usu …   From formal English to slang

  • dresser — A motorcycle set up for long distance touring …   Dictionary of automotive terms

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