- dress-shield
- ˈdresʃɪ:ld = dress-preserver подмышник
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
dress shield — dress′ shield n. clo a shield for the underarm of a woman s dress, blouse, etc • Etymology: 1880–85 … From formal English to slang
dress-shield — dressˈ shield noun A device to protect the armpit of a dress, etc against sweat • • • Main Entry: ↑dress … Useful english dictionary
dress shield — n. a pad worn at the armpit to protect a garment from perspiration … English World dictionary
dress shield — noun : shield 2h * * * a fabric or plastic pad for attaching to the inside of the underarm of a woman s garment to protect the garment from being soiled by perspiration. Also called shield. [1880 85] * * * dress shield, a pad worn by women under… … Useful english dictionary
dress shield — (also dress preserver) noun a piece of waterproof material in the armpit of a dress to protect it from perspiration … English new terms dictionary
dress shield — a fabric or plastic pad for attaching to the inside of the underarm of a woman s garment to protect the garment from being soiled by perspiration. Also called shield. [1880 85] * * * … Universalium
dress shield — noun A pad affixed temporarily to a dress or other garment, inside the armpit, to prevent the garments becoming wet or soiled from perspiration … Wiktionary
dress shield — noun Date: 1863 a pad worn inside a part of the clothing liable to be soiled by perspiration (as at the underarm) … New Collegiate Dictionary
dress shield — /ˈdrɛs ʃild/ (say dres sheeld) noun a pad worn under the arms beneath the clothing to keep perspiration from showing or staining …
shield — [shēld] n. [ME schelde < OE scield, akin to Ger schild < Gmc * skild < IE base * (s)kel > SHELF] 1. a flat, usually broad, piece of metal, wood, etc., carried in the hand or worn on the forearm to ward off blows or missiles 2. any… … English World dictionary
dress — v. & n. v. 1 a tr. clothe; array (dressed in rags; dressed her quickly). b intr. wear clothes of a specified kind or in a specified way (dresses well). 2 intr. a put on clothes. b put on formal or evening clothes, esp. for dinner. 3 tr. decorate… … Useful english dictionary