Смотреть что такое "dray" в других словарях:
Dray — may refer to: Dray, a type of wagon A dray horse, also known as a draft horse Dray Prescot series, science fiction novels As a name it may refer to: Julien Dray (born 1955), French politician Tevian Dray (born 1956), American mathematician Walter … Wikipedia
Dray — Dray, n. [AS. dr[ae]ge a dragnet, fr. dragan. ????. See {Draw}, and cf. 2d {Drag}, 1st {Dredge}.] 1. A strong low cart or carriage used for heavy burdens. Addison. [1913 Webster] 2. A kind of sledge or sled. Halliwell. [1913 Webster] {Dray cart} … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
dray — /dray/, n. 1. a low, strong cart without fixed sides, for carrying heavy loads. 2. a sledge or sled. 3. any vehicle, as a truck, used to haul goods, esp. one used to carry heavy loads. v.t. 4. to convey on a dray. v.i. 5. to drive or operate a… … Universalium
Dray — ist der Name von: Claude Dray (1935−2011), französischer Immobilienunternehmer und Kunstsammler Julien Dray (* 1955), französischer Politiker William Herbert Dray (* 1921), kanadischer Geschichtsphilosoph Siehe auch: Dray Prescot, Romanheld der… … Deutsch Wikipedia
dray — dray·age; dray; dray·man; … English syllables
dray — [drā] n. [ME dreye, orig., a drag, sled < OE dræge, lit., something drawn, dragnet < dragan, to DRAW] a low, sturdily built cart with detachable sides, for carrying heavy loads vt. to carry or haul on a dray vi. to drive a dray … English World dictionary
Dray — Dray, n. A squirrel s nest. Cowper. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
dray — [dreı] n [Date: 1300 1400; : Old English; Origin: dragan to pull ] a flat ↑cart with four wheels that was used in the past for carrying heavy loads, especially ↑barrels of beer … Dictionary of contemporary English
dray — mid 14c., M.E. derivative of O.E. dragan to draw, originally meaning a cart without wheels that has to be dragged (Cf. O.N. draga timber dragged behind a horse ); see DRAG (Cf. drag) … Etymology dictionary
dray — ► NOUN ▪ a low truck or cart without sides, for delivering barrels or other heavy loads. ORIGIN perhaps from an Old English word meaning «dragnet»; related to DRAW(Cf. ↑draw) … English terms dictionary
Dray — Julien Dray Julien Dray Parlementaire français Naissance … Wikipédia en Français