- drawn-thread work
- мережка;
филейная работа;
ажурная строчка
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
drawn-thread work — drawnˈ threadˈ work or drawn work noun Ornamental needlework done by pulling out some of the threads of a fabric • • • Main Entry: ↑draw … Useful english dictionary
Drawn thread work — Linen towel with drawn thread work accented with embroidery in stem and satin stitch. Drawn thread work is a form of counted thread embroidery based on removing threads from the warp and/or the weft of a piece of even weave fabric. The remaining… … Wikipedia
drawn-thread work — /drɔn ˈθrɛd wɜk/ (say drawn thred werk) noun ornamental work done by drawing threads from a fabric, the remaining portions usually being formed into lacelike patterns by needlework. Also, drawn work …
drawn thread work — ▪ textile Italian Punto Tirato, in fabric, a method of producing a design by drawing threads out of the body of a piece of material, usually linen, and working stitches on the mesh thus created. In Italy it preceded the development, in… … Universalium
drawn work — drawn′ work or drawn′work n. clo embroidery done by removing some threads from a fabric and stitching around the open areas in various designs. Also called drawn′ thread′work [[t]ˈθrɛdˌwɜrk[/t]] • Etymology: 1585–95 … From formal English to slang
drawn work — ornamental work done by drawing threads from a fabric, the remaining portions usually being formed into lacelike patterns by needlework. [1585 95] * * * drawnˈ threadˈ work or drawn work noun Ornamental needlework done by pulling out some of the… … Useful english dictionary
drawn — past part. of DRAW. adj. 1 looking strained from fear, anxiety, or pain. 2 (of butter) melted. 3 (of a position in chess etc.) that will result in a draw if both players make the best moves available. Phrases and idioms: drawn work (or drawn… … Useful english dictionary
drawn work — (also drawn thread work) noun ornamental work on fabric done by drawing out threads, usually with additional needlework … English new terms dictionary
Counted-thread embroidery — Counted cross stitch embroidery, Hungary, mid 20th century Counted thread embroidery is any embroidery in which the fabric threads are counted by the embroiderer before inserting the needle into the fabric. Evenweave fabric is usually used; it… … Wikipedia
Work — (w[^u]rk), v. t. 1. To labor or operate upon; to give exertion and effort to; to prepare for use, or to utilize, by labor. [1913 Webster] He could have told them of two or three gold mines, and a silver mine, and given the reason why they forbare … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
To work a passage — Work Work (w[^u]rk), v. t. 1. To labor or operate upon; to give exertion and effort to; to prepare for use, or to utilize, by labor. [1913 Webster] He could have told them of two or three gold mines, and a silver mine, and given the reason why… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English