drawn check
Смотреть что такое "drawn check" в других словарях:
check — n 1: something that limits or restrains see also checks and balances 2: a written order signed by its maker directing a bank to pay a specified sum to a named person or to that person s order on demand see also negotiable instrument compa … Law dictionary
check kiting — n. A scam in which an individual deposits worthless checks in different banks and uses his or her good credit to withdraw funds before the checks clear, attempting to deposit the money into the account on which the check is drawn before the… … Law dictionary
check–kiting — check–kit·ing / chek ˌkī tiŋ/ n: the practice of drawing on uncollected funds during the time needed to clear a check deposited in a bank esp. if the check is worthless – called also kiting; ◇ Check kiting typically works this way: a check drawn… … Law dictionary
check|ing account — «CHEHK ihng», a bank account against which bank checks may be drawn at any time … Useful english dictionary
check — verb To control or restrain; to hold within bounds. To verify or audit, as to examine the books and records of another or a business for accuracy and proper accounting practices. Particularly used with reference to the control or supervision of… … Black's law dictionary
check — verb To control or restrain; to hold within bounds. To verify or audit, as to examine the books and records of another or a business for accuracy and proper accounting practices. Particularly used with reference to the control or supervision of… … Black's law dictionary
check — check1 checkless, adj. /chek/, v., n., pl. checks or, for 45, chex, adj., interj. v.t. 1. to stop or arrest the motion of suddenly or forcibly: He checked the horse at the edge of the cliff. 2. to restrain; hold in restraint or control: They… … Universalium
Check 21 Act — The Check Clearing for the 21st Century Act (or Check 21 Act) is a United States federal law, Pub.L. 108 100, that was enacted on October 28, 2003 by the 108th Congress. The Check 21 Act took effect one year later on October 28, 2004. The law… … Wikipedia
check — A commercial demand deposit instrument signed by the maker and payable on the presentation to the bank on which it is drawn. American Banker Glossary A bill of exchange representing a draft on a bank from deposited funds that pays a certain sum… … Financial and business terms
Check verification service — A check verification service provides businesses or individuals with either the ability to check the validity of the actual check or draft being presented, or the ability to verify the history of the account holder, or both.[1][2] it often… … Wikipedia
Check Representment — A method whereby checks from accounts with insufficient funds are repeatedly deposited until funds are available. While the process of check representment is complicated, simply put, the bad check is held and the customer s account is tracked… … Investment dictionary