drawing carriage
Смотреть что такое "drawing carriage" в других словарях:
Carriage — Car riage, n. [OF. cariage luggage, carriage, chariage carriage, cart, baggage, F. charriage, cartage, wagoning, fr. OF. carier, charier, F. charrier, to cart. See {Carry}.] 1. That which is carried; burden; baggage. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] David… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Carriage horse — Carriage Car riage, n. [OF. cariage luggage, carriage, chariage carriage, cart, baggage, F. charriage, cartage, wagoning, fr. OF. carier, charier, F. charrier, to cart. See {Carry}.] 1. That which is carried; burden; baggage. [Obs.] [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Carriage porch — Carriage Car riage, n. [OF. cariage luggage, carriage, chariage carriage, cart, baggage, F. charriage, cartage, wagoning, fr. OF. carier, charier, F. charrier, to cart. See {Carry}.] 1. That which is carried; burden; baggage. [Obs.] [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
drawing room — Synonyms and related words: Pullman, Pullman car, Vanity Fair, baggage car, beau monde, beautiful people, best people, best room, boxcar, caboose, cafe society, car, carriage, carriage trade, chair car, coach, coal car, covered waggon, cream of… … Moby Thesaurus
Drawing-room car — Car Car, n. [OF. car, char, F. cahr, fr. L. carrus, Wagon: a Celtic word; cf. W. car, Armor. karr, Ir. & Gael. carr. cf. {Chariot}.] 1. A small vehicle moved on wheels; usually, one having but two wheels and drawn by one horse; a cart. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
drawing-room car — noun a passenger car for day travel; you pay extra fare for individual chairs • Syn: ↑parlor car, ↑parlour car, ↑palace car, ↑chair car • Hypernyms: ↑passenger car, ↑coach, ↑carriage * * * … Useful english dictionary
carriage — Synonyms and related words: Cape cart, Concord buggy, Pullman, Pullman car, Whitechapel cart, action, actions, activity, acts, address, affectation, aid, air, air express, aircraft, airfreight, airlift, araba, asportation, attitude, backing,… … Moby Thesaurus
carriage trade — Synonyms and related words: Vanity Fair, beau monde, beautiful people, best people, blue blood, cafe society, clientage, clientele, cream of society, custom, drawing room, elite, fashionable society, flower, gentility, gentry, good society, haut… … Moby Thesaurus
drawing room — /ˈdrɔɪŋ rum / (say droyng roohm) noun 1. a room for the reception and entertainment of visitors; a living room. 2. (formerly) a formal reception, especially one held by a monarch or member of the nobility. 3. US (formerly) a private compartment… …
Davidson-Duryea gun carriage — Duryea gun carriage, Patent No. 653,224 … Wikipedia
Coach (carriage) — The Gold State Coach of the British monarch A coach was originally a large, usually closed, four wheeled carriage with two or more horses harnessed as a team, controlled by a coachman and/or one or more postilions. It had doors in the sides, with … Wikipedia