Смотреть что такое "drawbore" в других словарях:
Drawbore — Draw bore , v. t. 1. To make a drawbore in; as, to drawbore a tenon. [1913 Webster] 2. To enlarge the bore of a gun barrel by drawing, instead of thrusting, a revolving tool through it. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Drawbore — Draw bore , n. (Joinery) A hole bored through a tenon nearer to the shoulder than the holes through the cheeks are to the edge or abutment against which the shoulder is to rest, so that a pin or bolt, when driven into it, will draw these parts… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
drawbore — [drô′bôr΄] n. a hole bored through a mortise and tenon joint so that a pin driven into it will force the tenon more securely into the mortise … English World dictionary
drawbore — I. ˈ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ noun Etymology: draw (I) + bore : a bore for a mortise pin placed so as to draw the tenon and thus make the joint tighter II. transitive verb 1. : to make a drawbore in (as a tenon) 2. : to enlarge the bore of (a tube, as … Useful english dictionary
drawbore — /draw bawr , bohr /, n., v., drawbored, drawboring. Carpentry. n. 1. a hole in a tenon made eccentric with the corresponding holes to the mortise so that the two pieces being joined will be forced tightly together when the pin (drawbore pin) is… … Universalium
drawbore — 1. noun (joinery) A hole bored through a tenon nearer to the shoulder than the holes through the cheeks are to the edge or abutment against which the shoulder is to rest, so that a pin or bolt, when driven into it, will draw these parts together … Wiktionary
drawbore — /ˈdrɔbɔ/ (say drawbaw) verb (t) (drawbored, drawboring) 1. to bore a hole (in a tenon) slightly out of alignment, so that when a pin is driven in, the morticed and tenoned parts are drawn snugly together. –noun 2. a hole thus made …
awl — (Roget s IV) n. Syn. bit, drill, pick, borer, bradawl, drawbore, punch, fid, needle … English dictionary for students
draw pin — noun : a mortise pin used in a drawbore … Useful english dictionary