draw lots
Смотреть что такое "draw lots" в других словарях:
draw lots — {v. phr.} To select at random from a series in order to determine precedents or apportionment. * /The refugees to be evacuated drew lots on who would get a place on the first airplane out of the besieged city./ … Dictionary of American idioms
draw lots — {v. phr.} To select at random from a series in order to determine precedents or apportionment. * /The refugees to be evacuated drew lots on who would get a place on the first airplane out of the besieged city./ … Dictionary of American idioms
draw lots — index bet Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
draw lots — phrasal : to decide or assign by or as if by the drawing of lots * * * draw lots (of two or more people) to draw from a set of different but unseen or superficially indistinguishable objects as a means of singling out one person ● lot * * * draw… … Useful english dictionary
draw lots — ► draw (or cast) lots decide by lot. Main Entry: ↑lot … English terms dictionary
draw lots — cast lots we drew lots to see who gets to drive Syn: toss/flip a coin, draw straws, throw/roll (the) dice … Thesaurus of popular words
draw\ lots — v. phr. To select at random from a series in order to determine precedents or apportionment. The refugees to be evacuated drew lots on who would get a place on the first airplane out of the besieged city … Словарь американских идиом
draw lots (for something do something) — draw/cast ˈlots (for sth/to do sth) idiom to choose sb/sth by lot • They drew lots for the right to go first. Main entry: ↑lotidiom … Useful english dictionary
draw lots (for to do something) — draw/cast ˈlots (for sth/to do sth) idiom to choose sb/sth by lot • They drew lots for the right to go first. Main entry: ↑lotidiom … Useful english dictionary
To draw lots — draw draw (dr[add]), v. t. [imp. {Drew} (dr[udd]); p. p. {Drawn} (dr[add]n); p. pr. & vb. n. {Drawing}.] [OE. dra[yogh]en, drahen, draien, drawen, AS. dragan; akin to Icel. & Sw. draga, Dan. drage to draw, carry, and prob. to OS. dragan to bear,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
draw lots — each chose a lot (pieces of paper, wood, etc.) and the winner or loser was determined by the size of his lot … English contemporary dictionary