draw frame
Смотреть что такое "draw frame" в других словарях:
draw frame — variant of drawing frame … Useful english dictionary
frame — vt framed, fram·ing 1: to formulate the contents of and draw up (as a document) in the two hundred years since our Constitution was framed W. J. Brennan, Jr. 2: to contrive the evidence against (as an innocent person) so that a verdict of guilty… … Law dictionary
Draw distance — is a computer graphics term, defined as the maximum distance of objects in a three dimensional scene that are drawn by the rendering engine. Polygons that lie behind the draw distance won t be drawn to the screen. As the draw distance increases… … Wikipedia
draw — [n] tie in competition dead end*, dead heat*, deadlock, even steven*, photo finish*, stalemate, standoff, tie; concept 706 draw [v1] move something by pulling attract, bring, carry, convey, cull, draft, drag, drain, educe, elicit, evoke, extract … New thesaurus
draw up — index compile, compose, devise (invent), formulate, frame (construct), frame (formulate) … Law dictionary
draw a line under something — draw a line under (something) if you draw a line under something, it is finished and you do not think about it again. Let s draw a line under the whole episode and try to continue our work in a more positive frame of mind … New idioms dictionary
draw a line under — (something) if you draw a line under something, it is finished and you do not think about it again. Let s draw a line under the whole episode and try to continue our work in a more positive frame of mind … New idioms dictionary
frame — [n] skeleton, casing anatomy, architecture, body, build, cage, carcass, construction, enclosure, fabric, flounce, form, framework, fringe, groundwork, hem, mount, mounting, outline, physique, scaffold, scaffolding, scheme, setting, shell, stage,… … New thesaurus
draw up — [v] draft document compose, formulate, frame, indite, make, prepare, write, write out; concept 79 … New thesaurus
draw up — verb 1. form or arrange in order or formation, as of a body of soldiers (Freq. 2) • Hypernyms: ↑form, ↑organize, ↑organise • Verb Frames: Somebody s something Somebody s somebody … Useful english dictionary
Frame problem — In artificial intelligence, the frame problem was initially formulated as the problem of expressing a dynamical domain in logic without explicitly specifying which conditions are not affected by an action. John McCarthy and Patrick J. Hayes… … Wikipedia