drainage filter
Смотреть что такое "drainage filter" в других словарях:
drainage filter — drenažo filtras statusas Aprobuotas sritis melioracija apibrėžtis Gerai vandenį praleidžiančių medžiagų sluoksnis (arba sluoksniai) aplink dreną ir virš jos (iki ariamojo sluoksnio) greitam vandens pertekliui susisunkti į sausintuvą. atitikmenys … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
Filter [1] — Filter. Strömt eine Flüssigkeit so durch einen porösen Körper, daß die in ersterer enthaltenen Suspensionen dem letzteren durch Adhäsion verbleiben[26] oder sich vor demselben festlegen, so nennt man den Vorgang Filtration, den Körper das Filter… … Lexikon der gesamten Technik
Drainage — See also: Storm drain and Stormwater Deep inside a Sydney drain in New South Wales Drainage is the natural or artificial removal of surface and sub surface water from an area. Many agricultural soils need drainage to improv … Wikipedia
Drainage system (Agriculture) — An agricultural drainage system is a system by which the water level on or in the soil is controlled to enhance agricultural crop production.=Classification=Figure 1 classifies the various types of drainage systems. It shows the field (or… … Wikipedia
Drainage system (agriculture) — An agricultural drainage system is a system by which the water level on or in the soil is controlled to enhance agricultural crop production. Contents 1 Classification 1.1 Surface drainage systems 1.2 Subsurface drainage systems … Wikipedia
filter — n 1. strainer, strain, screen, sieve, sifter, colander, riddle; leaching field, drainage, field; net, netting, gauze, cheesecloth. v 2. strain, filtrate, clear, clarify; purify, refine. 3. percolate, leach, run through, pass through, filter… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
Well drainage — means drainage of agricultural lands by wells. Agricultural land is drained by pumped wells (vertical drainage) to improve the soils by controlling water table levels and soil salinity. Contents 1 Introduction 2 Design 3 Flow to wells 4 … Wikipedia
Media filter — Peat Sand Filter in United States. The filter treats stormwater runoff from a residential area. Stormwater from streets is first routed to a small detention basin (rear of photo, behind berm), which removes coarse sediment. After filtration an… … Wikipedia
Sustainable urban drainage systems — Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS), sometimes known as Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS) [http://www.scotland.gov.uk/Publications/2001/07/pan61] , are designed to reduce the potential impact of new and existing developments with respect… … Wikipedia
drenažo filtras — statusas Aprobuotas sritis melioracija apibrėžtis Gerai vandenį praleidžiančių medžiagų sluoksnis (arba sluoksniai) aplink dreną ir virš jos (iki ariamojo sluoksnio) greitam vandens pertekliui susisunkti į sausintuvą. atitikmenys: angl. drainage… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
дренажный филтр — drenažo filtras statusas Aprobuotas sritis melioracija apibrėžtis Gerai vandenį praleidžiančių medžiagų sluoksnis (arba sluoksniai) aplink dreną ir virš jos (iki ariamojo sluoksnio) greitam vandens pertekliui susisunkti į sausintuvą. atitikmenys … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)