drain hole
Смотреть что такое "drain hole" в других словарях:
drain hole — A hole drilled in the bottom of a box section or a door, to allow water that has accumulated to escape so as to prevent or delay rusting … Dictionary of automotive terms
hole — See access hole bolt hole countersunk hole cubby hole drain hole limber hole oil filter hole pilot hole radiator fill hole spurt hole … Dictionary of automotive terms
drain — drain1 [dreın] v ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(liquid)¦ 2¦(make somebody tired)¦ 3¦(use too much)¦ 4 the colour/blood drains from somebody s face/cheeks 5 drain a glass/cup etc Phrasal verbs drain away drain something<=>off ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ [: Old English; Origin:… … Dictionary of contemporary English
drain — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 pipe/hole that dirty water goes down ADJECTIVE ▪ blocked (esp. BrE), clogged (AmE) ▪ storm VERB + DRAIN ▪ block (esp. BrE), clog … Collocations dictionary
drain — 01. After cooking the noodles for 15 minutes, [drain] them, and mix them with a can of tuna. 02. We d better call a plumber; the [drain] is plugged again. 03. After two weeks of exams, the students were completely [drained]. 04. You shouldn t… … Grammatical examples in English
drain — dreɪn n. channel, duct; emptying of liquid; hole in sink or bathtub used for emptying water; (British) sewer pipe v. draw out (liquid); flow out (liquid); empty slowly; be emptied slowly; slowly take away, exhaust; be exhausted … English contemporary dictionary
oil drain plug — The large bolt or plug that secures the drain hole in the oil pan. It is fitted with a gasket or o ring to prevent leakage. Often the drain plug is magnetized so that any stray particles of iron will stick to it rather than lodge in some vital… … Dictionary of automotive terms
limber hole — noun Etymology: limber (as in limbers) + hole : a drain hole near the bottom of a frame or other structural member of a ship see ship illustration * * * Naut. any of a series of holes pierced through a frame or floor to allow the passage of… … Useful english dictionary
limber hole — A small drain hole or slot in a frame or plate for the purpose of preventing water or oil from collecting … Dictionary of automotive terms
Sink hole — Sink Sink (s[i^][ng]k), n. 1. A drain to carry off filthy water; a jakes. [1913 Webster] 2. A shallow box or vessel of wood, stone, iron, or other material, connected with a drain, and used for receiving filthy water, etc., as in a kitchen. [1913 … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
sink hole — Sink Sink (s[i^][ng]k), n. 1. A drain to carry off filthy water; a jakes. [1913 Webster] 2. A shallow box or vessel of wood, stone, iron, or other material, connected with a drain, and used for receiving filthy water, etc., as in a kitchen. [1913 … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English