drain board
Смотреть что такое "drain board" в других словарях:
drain board — n an American word for ↑draining board … Dictionary of contemporary English
drain|board — «DRAYN BRD, BOHRD», noun. 1. a metal board, usually enamel covered, on one side of a sink, set at a slight downward angle, for draining water from dishes, pots, and pans into the sink: »A plump old Irishwoman, who was mopping the drainboards,… … Useful english dictionary
drain board — n. metal or plastic boad next to the kitchen sink formed as to allow water to drain into the sink … English contemporary dictionary
drain·board — /ˈdreınˌboɚd/ noun, pl boards [count] US : a sloping area near a kitchen sink used for drying dishes called also (Brit) draining board … Useful english dictionary
Drain, Oregon — City Motto: Gateway to the Pacific[ … Wikipedia
Drain commissioner — A drain commissioner is an elected official in counties of the U.S. state of Michigan with a population over 12,000. In counties with a population under 12,000, the statutory duties and responsibilities of the drain commissioner are performed by… … Wikipedia
draining board — also drain board AmE n a slightly sloping area next to a kitchen ↑sink where you put wet dishes to dry … Dictionary of contemporary English
Najafgarh drain bird sanctuary — This article is about bird sanctuary and wetland ecosystem. For the drain, see Najafgarh drain. For lake or jheel, see Najafgarh lake. Najafgarh drain bird sanctuary (proposed) and wetland ecosystem is composed of the wetland ecosystem and… … Wikipedia
Najafgarh drain — This article is about the drain. For bird sanctuary and wetland ecosystem, see Najafgarh drain bird sanctuary. For lake or jheel, see Najafgarh lake. The Najafgarh drain or Najafgarh nallah (nallah in Hindi means rivulet or storm water drain)… … Wikipedia
down the drain — {adj.} or {adv. phr.}, {informal} Wasted; lost. * /It is money down the drain if you spend it all on candy./ * /Our plans to go swimming went down the drain when it rained./ Compare: GO BY THE BOARD … Dictionary of American idioms
down the drain — {adj.} or {adv. phr.}, {informal} Wasted; lost. * /It is money down the drain if you spend it all on candy./ * /Our plans to go swimming went down the drain when it rained./ Compare: GO BY THE BOARD … Dictionary of American idioms