drag device
Смотреть что такое "drag device" в других словарях:
drag — /drag/, v., dragged, dragging, n., adj. v.t. 1. to draw with force, effort, or difficulty; pull heavily or slowly along; haul; trail: They dragged the carpet out of the house. 2. to search with a drag, grapnel, or the like: They dragged the lake… … Universalium
drag — [drag] vt. dragged, dragging [ME draggen < ON draga (or OE dragan): see DRAW] 1. to pull or draw with force or effort, esp. along the ground; haul 2. a) to move (oneself) with effort b) to force into some situation, action, etc … English World dictionary
Drag-and-drop — In computer graphical user interfaces, drag and drop is the action of (or support for the action of) selecting a virtual object by grabbing it and dragging it to a different location or onto another virtual object. In general, it can be used to… … Wikipedia
Drag (clothing) — Cross dressing History of cross dressing Breeches role · Breeching Travesti · In film and television … Wikipedia
Drag reduction system — DRS in action: open above, closed below Driver adjustable bodywork,[1] commonly known as drag reduction system (or DRS), is a motorsport technology aimed at reducing aerodynamic drag in order to promote overtaking in Formula One. DRS was… … Wikipedia
drag — I. noun Etymology: Middle English dragge, probably from Middle Low German draggen grapnel; akin to Old English dragan to draw more at draw Date: 14th century 1. something used to drag with; especially a device for dragging under water to detect… … New Collegiate Dictionary
drag — [[t]dræg[/t]] v. dragged, drag•ging, n. adj. 1) to draw slowly and with effort; haul 2) to search with a drag, grapnel, or the like: to drag a lake for a gun[/ex] 3) to smooth (land) with a drag or harrow 4) to introduce or insert: He drags his… … From formal English to slang
Drag-resistant aerospike — Trident I first launch on 18 January 1977 at Cape Canaveral. The thin antenna like structure mounted on the nose cone is the aerospike, which is composed of 2 parts. 1) The Extensible Boom is the long, slender, slightly tapered cylindrical… … Wikipedia
drag racing — See dragracer. * * * Form of motor racing in which two contestants race side by side from a standing start over a straight quarter mile strip of pavement. Winners go on to compete against others in their class until only one is left undefeated.… … Universalium
drag — 1) a device in the mechanism of fishing reels that puts pressure on the line as it is pulled off the reel, allowing a hooked fish to pull line without breaking it, and to restrain a running fish. Also called slipping clutch 2) movement of an… … Dictionary of ichthyology
drag scraper — noun 1. : an earth digging and transporting device consisting of a crescent shaped bottomless bucket operated along the ground by a cable between a mast and an anchor 2. : a bottomless tractor towed earth scraper … Useful english dictionary