draft bill

draft bill

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "draft bill" в других словарях:

  • Draft nba 1974 — La draft NBA 1974 a vu la sélection d un Hall of Famer avec le premier choix de la draft (Bill Walton qui remporta le titre de champion NBA avec les Portland TrailBlazers lors de la saison 1976 1977 avec Maurice Lucas) et six All Stars: Bobby… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • draft — [n1] something formulated; plan abstract, blueprint, delineation, outline, preliminary form, rough sketch, version; concepts 271,660 draft [n2] check for paying money bank draft, bill, bond, cheque, coupon, debenture, IOU, letter of credit, money …   New thesaurus

  • Bill McKibben — is an American environmentalist and writer who frequently writes about global warming, alternative energy, and the need for more localized economies. Beginning in the summer of 2006, he led the organization of the largest demonstrations against… …   Wikipedia

  • draft — Synonyms and related words: CD, IOU, MO, abbreviation, abbreviature, abrege, abridgment, abstract, acceptance, acceptance bill, adumbrate, air current, arrangement, article, attraction, autograph, bag, bang, bank acceptance, bank check, beverage …   Moby Thesaurus

  • bill — Synonyms and related words: CD, Federal Reserve note, IOU, MO, acceptance, acceptance bill, account, accounts payable, accounts receivable, act, advertise, affiche, affidavit, agenda, allegation, allowance, amount due, antlia, assessment,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • Draft NBA 1974 — La draft NBA 1974 est la 28e draft annuelle de la NBA. Elle s est tenue le 28 mai 1974 à New York. Elle se compose de 10 tours et 178 joueurs ont été sélectionnés. Elle a vu la sélection de deux « Hall of Famer » avec le… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • bill —   1. Document. Pila; kāki (charge); palapala (document); pila kīko o (draft).    ♦ Bill of exchange, kīko o pāna i.    ♦ Bill of health, palapala hō ike no ke ola.    ♦ Bill of lading, palapala hō ike ukana o ka moku.    ♦ Bill of sale, palapala… …   English-Hawaiian dictionary

  • draft — 1 n 1: a preliminary version of something (as a law) 2 a: a system for or act of selecting individuals from a group (as for military service) b: the act or process of selecting an individual (as for political candidacy) without his or her… …   Law dictionary

  • Bill Russell — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Bill Russell …   Wikipedia Español

  • bill — n 1: a draft of a law presented to a legislature for enactment; also: the law itself the GI bill ap·pro·pri·a·tions bill /ə ˌprō prē ā shənz /: a bill providing money for government expenses and programs ◇ Appropriations bills originate in the… …   Law dictionary

  • Bill Parcells — Date of birth August 22, 1941 (1941 08 22) (age 70) Place of birth Englewood, New Jersey Position(s) Head Coach, Vice President College Wichita State Awards 1994 AP NFL Coach of Year 1986 AP NFL Coach of Year 1986 Sporting News NFL Coach of… …   Wikipedia

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