downcast shaft
Смотреть что такое "downcast shaft" в других словарях:
downcast-shaft — North Country (Newcastle) Words the shaft by which theair enters a coal pit, by which the men descend to their work, and by which the coals are drawn up … English dialects glossary
downcast — /ˈdaʊnkast / (say downkahst) adjective 1. directed downwards, as the eyes. 2. dejected in spirit; depressed. –noun 3. Also, downcast shaft. a shaft down which air passes, as into a mine. 4. Geology a fault which throws a coal seam down …
Downcast — Down cast , n. 1. Downcast or melancholy look. [1913 Webster] That downcast of thine eye. Beau. & Fl. [1913 Webster] 2. (Mining) A ventilating shaft down which the air passes in circulating through a mine. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
shaft — 1. noun 1) the shaft of a golf club Syn: pole, shank, stick, rod, staff; handle, hilt, stem 2) the shaft of a feather Syn: quill; Ornithology rachis 3) shafts of sunlight … Thesaurus of popular words
downcast — downcastly, adv. downcastness, n. /down kast , kahst /, adj. 1. directed downward, as the eyes. 2. dejected in spirit; depressed. n. 3. overthrow or ruin. 4. a downward look or glance. 5. a shaft down which air passes, as into a mine (opposed to… … Universalium
downcast — adj. depressed, dejected, disheartened n. overthrow, deposition; defeat, ruin; downward glance, look directed downward; shaft used to carry air down into a mine … English contemporary dictionary
downcast — adjective 1》 (of eyes) looking downwards. 2》 feeling despondent. noun a shaft dug in a mine for ventilation … English new terms dictionary
downcast — adj. & n. adj. 1 (of eyes) looking downwards. 2 (of a person) dejected. n. a shaft dug in a mine for extra ventilation … Useful english dictionary
upcast shaft — Upcast Up cast , n. 1. (Bowling) A cast; a throw. Shak. [1913 Webster] 2. (Mining.) The ventilating shaft of a mine out of which the air passes after having circulated through the mine; distinguished from the downcast. Called also {upcast pit},… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Pleasley Colliery — is a former English coal mine. It is located to the NW of Pleasley village which sits astride the River Meden on the Nottinghamshire/Derbyshire border. HistoryTimelineIt was sunk in the 1870s and produced coal until 1983. By some miracle it… … Wikipedia
Dukinfield — For other uses, see Dukinfield (disambiguation). Coordinates: 53°28′26″N 2°04′58″W / 53.4739°N 2.0828°W / 53.4739; 2.0828 … Wikipedia