- down-at-heel
- прил. изношенный, обветшалый, потертый, старый Syn : shabby, worn стоптанный (об обуви) конченый (о человеке)
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
down-at-heel — /down euht heel /, adj. of a shabby, run down appearance; seedy: He is rapidly becoming a down at heel drifter and a drunk. Also, down at the heel, down at heels, down at the heels. [1695 1705] * * * … Universalium
down-at-heel — • down at heel • down at the heel • down at the heels adj Poorly kept up or dressed shabby; not neat; sloppy. John is always down at the heels, but his sister is always very neat. Old houses sometimes look down at the heel … Словарь американских идиом
down at heel — Someone who is down at heel is short of money. ( Down in heel is used in American English) … The small dictionary of idiomes
down-at-heel(s) — down′ at heel(s)′ or down′ at the heel(s)′ adj. of a shabby, run down appearance; seedy • Etymology: 1695–1705 … From formal English to slang
down-at-heel — adj BrE unattractive and not well cared for, because of a lack of money ▪ The town today is a shabby, down at heel place … Dictionary of contemporary English
down-at-heel — adjective 1. ) looking old and no longer in good condition: down at heel offices 2. ) wearing old clothes, because you do not have enough money to buy new ones … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
down at heel — ► ADJECTIVE chiefly Brit. 1) (of a shoe) with the heel worn down. 2) shabby or impoverished … English terms dictionary
down at heel — (Brit.) adj. badly dressed due to lack of money; shabbily dressed ; wearing old clothes or ragged clothes due to lack of money; dilapidated; of run down look … English contemporary dictionary
down at heel — ▶ adjective 1 the resort looks down at heel: RUN DOWN, dilapidated, neglected, uncared for; seedy, insalubrious, squalid, slummy, wretched; … Useful english dictionary
down-at-heel — adj 1 ILL DRESSED, frayed, tattered, ragged, drab, frowsy, dowdy, shabby, poor, slovenly 2 the pub looked down at heel dingy, run down, dilapidated, ramshackle, in disrepair, neglected, tumbledown, uncared for COLLOQ. tatty, tacky, seedy * * *… … Useful english dictionary
down-at-heel — also down at heel ADJ GRADED: usu ADJ n Something that is down at heel is in a in bad condition because it has been used too much or has not been looked after properly. If you say that someone is down at heel, you mean that they are wearing old,… … English dictionary