
1. сущ.
1) вдовья часть (наследства)
2) а) приданое б) уст. выкуп (деньги, которые жених должен был заплатить родственникам невесты, прежде чем он женится на ней)
3) природный дар, талант Syn : dowry, endowment
2. гл.
1) оставлять наследство (вдове)
2) а) давать приданое When she marries, I will dower her. ≈ Когда она будет выходить замуж, я дам за ней большое приданое. б) получать в приданое
3) наделять талантом (with) , одарять (чем-либо) dowered with beautyнаделенный красотой Syn : endow вдовья часть наследства приданое - * chest сундук с приданым дар;
дарование, талант - she had the * of beauty она была наделена (редкой) красотой оставлять наследство (вдове) получать вдовью часть наследства давать в приданое получать в приданое (with) наделять (талантом и т. п.) - *ed with brilliant talents блестяще одаренный, наделенный блестящими дарованиями dower вдовья часть (наследства) ~ давать приданое ~ наделять талантом (with) ~ оставлять наследство (вдове) ~ приданое ~ природный дар, талант

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "dower" в других словарях:

  • Dower — • A provision for support during life accorded by law to a wife surviving her hustand Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Dower     Dower      …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • dower — dow·er / dau̇ ər/ n [Anglo French, from Old French douaire, modification of Medieval Latin dotarium, from Latin dot dos gift, dowry]: the life estate in a man s real property to which his wife is entitled upon his death under common law and some… …   Law dictionary

  • Dower — Dow er, n. [F. douaire, LL. dotarium, from L. dotare to endow, portion, fr. dos dower; akin to Gr. ? gift, and to L. dare to give. See 1st {Date}, and cf. {Dot} dowry, {Dotation}.] 1. That with which one is gifted or endowed; endowment; gift.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • dower — vb Dower, endow, endue are comparable when meaning to furnish or provide with a gift. Dower specifically denotes the provision of the dowry which a woman brings to a husband in marriage {a well dowered bride} It may also imply the bestowal of a… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • dower — late 13c., from O.Fr. doaire dower, dowry, gift (see DOWRY (Cf. dowry)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • dower — [dou′ər] n. [ME douere < OFr douaire < ML dotarium < L dos: see DOT2] 1. that part of a man s property which his widow inherits for life 2. a dowry 3. a natural talent, gift, or endowment vt. 1. to give a dower to …   English World dictionary

  • dower — ► NOUN 1) a widow s share for life of her husband s estate. 2) archaic a dowry. ORIGIN Old French douaire, from Latin dotare endow , from dos dowry …   English terms dictionary

  • Dower — Relationships Types …   Wikipedia

  • dower — The legal right or interest which the wife acquires by marriage in the real estate of her husband. At common law it consists in the use, during her natural life after the death of her husband, of one third of all the real estate of which her… …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • Dower — A common law that entitles a widow to a portion of her husband s estate in absence of a will. The provision of dower allows the wife to provide for herself and any children born during the marriage. In most circumstances, the widow is granted up… …   Investment dictionary

  • dower — I. noun Etymology: Middle English dowere, from Anglo French dower, douaire, from Medieval Latin dotarium, from Latin dot , dos gift, marriage portion more at date Date: 14th century 1. the part of or interest in the real estate of a deceased… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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