- douching
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Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Douching — Using water or a medicated solution to clean the vagina and cervix … Medical dictionary
douching — duËʃ n. stream of water used to cleanse various parts of the body (for medical or hygienic purposes) v. administer a douche; use a douche, be given a douche … English contemporary dictionary
Douche — Intervention A vaginal bulb syringe with lateral ho … Wikipedia
Lysol (cleaner) — Lysol is the brand name of a line of disinfectant household cleaners produced by Reckitt Benckiser for all purpose cleaning, disinfecting food surfaces and odor removal. The line includes aerosol sprays, pre saturated disposable wipes and… … Wikipedia
Birth control — For other uses, see Birth control (disambiguation). Birth control is an umbrella term for several techniques and methods used to prevent fertilization or to interrupt pregnancy at various stages. Birth control techniques and methods include… … Wikipedia
Safe sex — is sexual activity engaged in by people who have taken precautions to protect themselves against sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) such as AIDS.[1] It is also referred to as safer sex or protected sex, while unsafe or unprotected sex i … Wikipedia
Self-induced abortion — A self induced abortion (or self induced miscarriage) is an abortion performed by the pregnant woman herself outside the recognized medical system. Although the term can include abortions induced through legal, over the counter medication, it… … Wikipedia
birth control — regulation of the number of children born through the deliberate control or prevention of conception. Cf. family planning (def. 1). [1914, Amer.] * * * Voluntary limiting of human reproduction, using such means as contraception, sexual abstinence … Universalium
douche — /doohsh/, n., v., douched, douching. n. 1. a jet or current of water, sometimes with a dissolved medicating or cleansing agent, applied to a body part, organ, or cavity for medicinal or hygienic purposes. 2. the application of such a jet. 3. an… … Universalium
Douche — A stream of water directed at any part of the body or any body cavity, often into the vagina, for cleansing or medicinal purposes. A douche can be with a simple solution of vinegar in water. Some commercial douche solutions have somewhat more… … Medical dictionary
douche — [do͞osh] n. [Fr < It doccia, shower bath, orig., conduit, back form. < doccione, water pipe < L ductio, a leading away < ductus: see DUCT] 1. a jet of liquid applied externally or internally to some part of the body, esp. as a bath or … English World dictionary