Смотреть что такое "double-walled" в других словарях:
Double-walled pipe — A double walled pipe is a secondary contained piping system. It is a pipe within a pipe, or encased in an outer covering, with an annulus (interstitial space) between the two diameters. The inner pipe is the primary or carrier pipe and the outer… … Wikipedia
Double Island Point Light — Double Island Point Light, 2006 … Wikipedia
Electric double-layer capacitor — Maxwell Technologies MC and BC series supercapacitors (up to 3000 farad capacitance) An electric double layer capacitor (EDLC), also known as supercapacitor, supercondenser, electrochemical double layer capacitor, or ultracapacitor, is an… … Wikipedia
Carbon nanotube — Not to be confused with Carbon fiber. Part of a series of articles on Nanomaterials Fullerenes … Wikipedia
Optical properties of carbon nanotubes — Contents 1 Terminology 2 Electronic structure of carbon nanotube 3 Van Hove singularities … Wikipedia
animal development — Introduction the processes that lead eventually to the formation of a new animal starting from cells derived from one or more parent individuals. Development thus occurs following the process by which a new generation of organisms is produced by … Universalium
Chang'an — … Wikipedia
Nanotube de carbone — Réprésentation d un nanotube de carbone. (cliquer pour voir l animation tridimensionnelle) … Wikipédia en Français
Nanotubes de carbone — Nanotube de carbone Animation tridimensionnelle d un nanotube de carbone … Wikipédia en Français
commercial fishing — Introduction the taking of fish and other seafood and resources from oceans, rivers, and lakes for the purpose of marketing them. Fishing is one of the oldest employments of humankind. Ancient heaps of discarded mollusk shells (shell… … Universalium
Hovercraft — A hovercraft, or air cushion vehicle (ACV), is an amphibious vehicle or craft, designed to travel over any sufficiently smooth surface supported by a cushion of slowly moving, high pressure air, ejected downwards against the surface below, and… … Wikipedia