double-precision arithmetic

double-precision arithmetic

1. арифметические операции с удвоенной точностью
2. арифметическое устройство для работы с удвоенной точностью

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "double-precision arithmetic" в других словарях:

  • Double-precision floating-point format — In computing, double precision is a computer number format that occupies two adjacent storage locations in computer memory. A double precision number, sometimes simply called a double, may be defined to be an integer, fixed point, or floating… …   Wikipedia

  • GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic Library — Die GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic Library ist eine Programmierbibliothek, die arithmetische Funktionen für beliebig große Zahlen implementiert. Die erste Version von GMP erschien 1991. Seitdem wird die Bibliothek ständig erweitert und… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • precision — I. noun Date: 1740 1. the quality or state of being precise ; exactness 2. a. the degree of refinement with which an operation is performed or a measurement stated compare accuracy 2b b. the accuracy (as in binary or decimal places) with which a… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Double-double (disambiguation) — A double double is an individual basketball performance in which a player accumulates a double digit number total in two of five categories. Double double may also refer to: The Double Double or Epsilon Lyrae, a quadruple star system in the… …   Wikipedia

  • Arithmetic and logical unit — Unité arithmétique et logique Pour les articles homonymes, voir UAL et ALU. L unité arithmétique et logique, abrégée UAL (ou bien ALU, Arithmetic Logic Unit en anglais), est l organe de l ordinateur chargé d effectuer les calculs. Le plus souvent …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Quadruple-precision floating-point format — In computing, quadruple precision (also commonly shortened to quad precision) is a binary floating point computer number format that occupies 16 bytes (128 bits) in computer memory. In IEEE 754 2008 the 128 bit base 2 format is officially… …   Wikipedia

  • Extended precision — The term extended precision refers to storage formats for floating point numbers taking advantage of an opportunity not falling in to a regular sequence of single, double and quadruple precision such as 32 bit, 64 bit and 128 bit occupying two,… …   Wikipedia

  • Numeric precision in Microsoft Excel — As with other spreadsheets, Microsoft Excel works only to limited accuracy because it retains only a certain number of figures to describe numbers (it has limited precision). Excel nominally works with 8 byte numbers by default, a modified 1985… …   Wikipedia

  • Algorithms for calculating variance — play a major role in statistical computing. A key problem in the design of good algorithms for this problem is that formulas for the variance may involve sums of squares, which can lead to numerical instability as well as to arithmetic overflow… …   Wikipedia

  • MasPar — at NASA/GSFC MasPar Computer Corporation was a minisupercomputer vendor that was founded in 1987 by Jeff Kalb. The company was based in Sunnyvale, California. While Kalb was the Vice President of DEC s VLSI chip building division, some… …   Wikipedia

  • ENIAC — [ Betty Jean Jennings (left) and Fran Bilas (right) operate the ENIAC s main control panel at the Moore School of Electrical Engineering. (U.S. Army photo from the archives of the ARL Technical Library)] ENIAC, short for Electronic Numerical… …   Wikipedia

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