Смотреть что такое "double-optical" в других словарях:
Optical disc — Optical media redirects here. For transmission media for light, see Medium (optics). The optical lens of a compact disc drive. In computing and optical disc recording technologies, an optical disc is a flat, usually circular disc which encodes… … Wikipedia
Optical mapping — Optical mapping[1] is a technique for constructing ordered, genome wide, high resolution restriction maps from single, stained molecules of DNA, called optical maps . By mapping the location of restriction enzyme sites along the unknown DNA of an … Wikipedia
Double a occultation — Double à occultation Mesure d occultation d une étoile double Une étoile double à occultation est une étoile binaire dont les deux composantes sont successivement occultées par la Lune (ou un autre corps du système solaire) lors du mouvement… … Wikipédia en Français
Double À Occultation — Mesure d occultation d une étoile double Une étoile double à occultation est une étoile binaire dont les deux composantes sont successivement occultées par la Lune (ou un autre corps du système solaire) lors du mouvement relatif de ce corps par… … Wikipédia en Français
Optical interferometry — combines two or more light waves in an optical instrument in such a way that interference occurs between them. Early interferometers used white light sources and also monochromatic light from atomic sources (e.g., Young s double slit experiment… … Wikipedia
optical double (star) — or optical double n. DOUBLE STAR (sense 2) * * * … Universalium
optical double (star) — or optical double n. DOUBLE STAR (sense 2) … English World dictionary
optical double (star) — or optical double n. DOUBLE STAR (sense 2) … English World dictionary
Double patterning — is a class of technologies developed for photolithography to enhance the feature density. For the semiconductor industry, double patterning is the only lithography technique to be used for the 32 nm and 22 nm half pitch nodes in 2008 2009 and… … Wikipedia
Double-density compact disc — (DDCD) is an optical disc technology developed by Sony using the same laser wave length as compact disc, namely 780 nm. The format is defined by the purple book standard document. For a 120 mm disc, it doubles the original 650 MB to 1.3 … Wikipedia
Double Cluster — Observation data (J2000.0 epoch) Constellation Perseus … Wikipedia