Смотреть что такое "double-line" в других словарях:
double line — dvilaidė linija statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. double line; twin line; two wire line vok. Doppelleitung, f; Zweidrahtleitung, f rus. двухпроводная линия, f pranc. ligne à deux fils, f; ligne bifilaire, f … Automatikos terminų žodynas
double line — dviguboji linija statusas T sritis informatika apibrėžtis Vienas iš grafinės linijos stilių, kai linija sudaroma iš dviejų šalia esančių lygiagrečių linijų. Paprastai parenkama pagal pavyzdį įvairių dokumentų rengyklėse ir ↑braižyklėse. Šios… … Enciklopedinis kompiuterijos žodynas
Double line automatic signalling — is a form of railway signalling utilised on the majority of double line sections in New Zealand. Double Line Automatic Signalling utilises track circuits to detect the presence of trains in sections broken up by intermediate signals. Usually… … Wikipedia
double-line-to-neutral fault — dvifazės linijos įžemėjimas statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. double line to neutral fault vok. zweipoliger Erdschluß, m rus. замыкание двухфазной линии на землю, n pranc. défaut biphasé à la terre, m … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
Double track — This article is about the use of two tracks on a railway line. For the sound recording technique, see doubletracking. A double track railway line A double track railway usually involves running one track in each direction, compared to a single… … Wikipedia
double file — noun A double line; specifically, a queue two persons wide. The column marching in double file, the instructor commands … Wiktionary
Double top and double bottom — are reversal chart patterns observed in the technical analysis of financial trading markets of stocks, commodities, currencies, and other assets. Double top Double top confirmation The double top is a frequent price formation at the end of a bull … Wikipedia
Double junction — (left hand running) A double junction is a railway junction where a double track railway splits into two double track lines. Usually, one line is the main line and carries traffic through the junction at normal speed, while the other track is a… … Wikipedia
Double spaced sentences — Double spacing at the ends of sentences is a typographical convention that has sometimes been termed English spacing. Since the mid 1990s, it has often been termed French spacing, although that term has traditionally referred to the practice of… … Wikipedia
Double patterning — is a class of technologies developed for photolithography to enhance the feature density. For the semiconductor industry, double patterning is the only lithography technique to be used for the 32 nm and 22 nm half pitch nodes in 2008 2009 and… … Wikipedia
Double-H Boots — manufactures western footwear. It is owned by H.H. Brown, a subsidiary of Berkshire Hathaway. History Double H Boots began in 1955 in Richland, Pennsylvania. The original factory location was an area shoe company that had other facilities in the… … Wikipedia