Смотреть что такое "double-cylinder" в других словарях:
double cylinder — adj. pertaining to a lock with two keyed cylinders … Locksmith dictionary
double cylinder deadlock — n. a deadbolt lock whose bolt may be operated by a key from either side … Locksmith dictionary
Cylinder-head-sector — Cylinder head sector, also known as CHS, was an early method for giving addresses to each physical block of data on a hard disk drive. In the case of floppy drives, for which the same exact diskette medium can be truly low level formatted to… … Wikipedia
Double-headed serpent — Material Wood, Turquoise, Pine resin, Shell and others Size 20.5 by 43.3 cm Created 15th/16th century … Wikipedia
Double dump valve — Double dump valves, also known as double flap valves or double flap gates, are a type of airlock valve commonly used in industrial applications as a component in bulk material handling applications. Double dump valves are primarily used to… … Wikipedia
Double action — may refer to: Double action, a system in firearms where the trigger both cocks and releases the hammer see trigger (firearms). Simple expansion, a system in steam engines and their accessories where a piston has the ability to both push and pull… … Wikipedia
Double-acting cylinder — A double acting cylinder in a reciprocating engine is a cylinder in which the working fluid acts alternately on both sides of the piston. This is in contrast to a single acting cylinder, in which the working fluid acts in one direction only.… … Wikipedia
Cylinder head — A 302/5.0L Ford cylinder head In an internal combustion engine, the cylinder head (often informally abbreviated to just head) sits above the cylinders on top of the cylinder block. It closes in the top of the cylinder, forming the combustion… … Wikipedia
Cylinder (engine) — Illustration of an engine cylinder with a cross section view of the piston, connecting rod, valves and spark plug. A cylinder is the central working part of a reciprocating engine or pump, the space in which a piston travels. Multiple cylinders… … Wikipedia
Cylinder of Nabonidus — The Nabonidus Cylinder. The Nabonidus Cylinder from Sippar is a long text in which king Nabonidus of Babylonia (556 539 BC) describes how he repaired three temples: the sanctuary of the moon god Sin in Harran, the sanctuary of the warrior goddess … Wikipedia
Cylinder (locomotive) — The motion on the left hand side of 60163 Tornado. The black casting to the left houses the cylinder, in which slides the piston; the piston rod is immediately above the wheel. The cylinders of a steam locomotive are the components that convert… … Wikipedia