
ˈdʌblˌbærəld прил.;
тж. double-barreled >
1) двуствольный, с двумя стволами double-barrelled gunдвустволка, двухстволка, двуствольное охотничье ружье double-barrelled pistol ≈ двуствольный пистолет Syn : double-barreled
2) а) преследующий две цели б) двусмысленный This was a double-barrelled compliment. ≈ Это был сомнительный комплимент. в) двойной, двойственный a double-barrelled moralityдвойная мораль Syn : double
1. г) сдвоенный, удвоенный double-barrelled constituencies ≈ сдвоенные избирательные округа Syn : twofold
1. двуствольный - * gun двустволка - * telescope бинокулярный телескоп преследующий две цели двусмысленный - * compliment двусмысленный комплимент double-barrelled двусмысленный ~ двуствольный;
double-barrelled gun двустволка ~ двуствольный;
double-barrelled gun двустволка gun: ~ огнестрельное оружие, ружье;
ист. мушкет;
double-barrelled gun двустволка;
smooth-bore gun гладкоствольное ружье

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "double-barrelled" в других словарях:

  • double-barrelled — BrE double barreled AmE 1.) a double barrelled gun has two places where the bullets come out 2.) BrE a double barrelled family name has two parts 3.) AmE very strong or using a lot of force ▪ a double barreled attack …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • double-barrelled — ► ADJECTIVE 1) (of a gun) having two barrels. 2) Brit. (of a surname) having two parts joined by a hyphen …   English terms dictionary

  • double-barrelled — (in AM, use double barreled) 1) ADJ: ADJ n A double barrelled gun has two barrels. ...a double barrelled shotgun. 2) ADJ: ADJ n A double barrelled surname has two parts which are joined by a hyphen, for example Miss J. Heydon Smith . [BRIT] 3)… …   English dictionary

  • double-barrelled — UK [ˌdʌb(ə)l ˈbærəld] / US [ˌdʌb(ə)l ˈberəld] adjective 1) a double barrelled gun has a pair of tubes that bullets come out from 2) British a double barrelled name is a family name with two parts, usually joined by a hyphen, for example Lloyd… …   English dictionary

  • double-barrelled — BrE, double barreled AmE 1 a double barrelled gun has two places where the bullets come out 2 BrE a double barrelled family name has two parts 3 AmE with two purposes: a double barreled plan 4 AmE very strong or using a lot of force: a double… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • double-barrelled — [ˌdʌbl ˈbærəld] adj 1) a double barrelled gun has a pair of tubes that bullets come out from 2) British a double barrelled name is a family name with two parts, usually joined by a HYPHEN, for example ‘Lloyd Webber …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • double-barrelled — adj. Double barrelled/double barreled is used with these nouns: ↑name, ↑shotgun, ↑surname …   Collocations dictionary

  • double-barrelled — double bar·relled …   English syllables

  • Double-barrelled name — In English speaking and some other Western countries, a double barrelled name is a family name with two parts, which may or may not be joined with a hyphen and is also known as a hyphenated name. An example of a hyphenated double barrelled… …   Wikipedia

  • double-barrelled — adjective 1. having two barrels mounted side by side a double barreled shotgun • Syn: ↑double barreled • Ant: ↑single barreled (for: ↑double barreled) 2. having two purposes; twofold …   Useful english dictionary

  • double-barrelled — /ˈdʌbəl bærəld/ (say dubuhl baruhld) adjective 1. having two barrels, as a gun. 2. serving a double purpose. 3. (of a surname) having two elements hyphenated. Also, US, double barreled …  

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