double dipper
Смотреть что такое "double dipper" в других словарях:
double-dipper — double dip UK US /ˌdʌbl̩ˈdɪp/ verb [I] US FINANCE ► to receive income from two places, for example from a government pension while employed by the government, or from two different government pensions: »A loophole in federal law allows teachers… … Financial and business terms
double dipper — dou·ble dip·per n: an individual who engages in double dipping Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 … Law dictionary
double dipper — a person in receipt of bribery or a second source of income Not taking a classic sauna, passing from the hot chamber to the cold: Keegan was an academy graduate who had put in his thirty and retired to become a double dipper. (Clancy… … How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms
double-dipper — n. a person who collects two salaries; a federal employee who collects a federal pension and Social Security. □ The voters of the state were shocked to learn that there were no laws against double dippers. □ The double dippers say they weren’t… … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
double-dipper — noun Date: circa 1974 a person who collects both a government pension and a government salary • double dipping noun … New Collegiate Dictionary
double-dipper — noun see double dip … Useful english dictionary
double dipper — n. person who receives compensation inappropriately from two sources … English slang
double dipper — noun someone who draws two incomes from the government (usually by combining a salary and a pension) • Hypernyms: ↑earner, ↑wage earner … Useful english dictionary
Dipper (painting) — Double dipper An oil dipper is used to hold a supply of turpentine, oil or painting medium. Used in oil painting, it can be clipped onto the edge of the wooden palette. Categories: Painting materialsPainting stubs … Wikipedia
double-dip — UK US /ˌdʌbl̩ˈdɪp/ verb [I] US FINANCE ► to receive income from two places, for example from a government pension while employed by the government, or from two different government pensions: »A loophole in federal law allows teachers to double… … Financial and business terms
double-dipping — double dip UK US /ˌdʌbl̩ˈdɪp/ verb [I] US FINANCE ► to receive income from two places, for example from a government pension while employed by the government, or from two different government pensions: »A loophole in federal law allows teachers… … Financial and business terms