- dose-response relationship
- мат. зависимость реакции от дозы
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Dose-response relationship — Semi log plots of two agonists with different Kd. The dose response relationship, or exposure response relationship, describes the change in effect on an organism caused by differing levels of exposure (or doses) to a stressor (usually a… … Wikipedia
dose-response relationship — dozės ir atsako ryšys statusas T sritis biomedicinos mokslai apibrėžtis ↑Ryšys, kai didėjant veiksnio dozei (kiekiui, trukmei, koncentracijai), didėja ↑populiacijos dalis, kuriai pasireiškia poveikio rezultatas. atitikmenys: angl. dose response… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
dose-response curve — noun Medicine the relationship between the size of a dose and the extent of the response to it … English new terms dictionary
dose-response curve — /dohs ri spons / a curve plotting the relationship between the dose of a drug administered and its pharmacological effect. [1970 75] * * * … Universalium
dose-response curve — /dohs ri spons / a curve plotting the relationship between the dose of a drug administered and its pharmacological effect. [1970 75] … Useful english dictionary
relationship — ryšys statusas T sritis biomedicinos mokslai apibrėžtis Vieno ↑kintamojo priklausomybė nuo kito ar keleto kitų kintamųjų. Ryšys tarp dviejų kintamųjų yra teigiamasis (positive), jeigu didėjant vieno kintamojo reikšmėms, didėja ir kito kintamojo… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
dose-re|sponse — «DOHS rih SPONS», adjective. showing the relationship of dosage (of a drug, gas, radiation, or other substance) to the physiological effect produced: »A dose response chart would have a line going from zero to maximum dose, with the risk… … Useful english dictionary
relationship — The state of being related, associated, or connected. dose response r. r. in which a change in the amount, intensity, or duration of exposure is associated with a change in risk of a specified outcome. dual relationships relationships in which a… … Medical dictionary
Median lethal dose — This article is about the toxicological term. For the album by Mudvayne, see L.D. 50 (album). For other uses, see LD50 (disambiguation). In toxicology, the median lethal dose, LD50 (abbreviation for “Lethal Dose, 50%”), LC50 (Lethal Concentration … Wikipedia
Effective dose — An effective dose in pharmacology is the amount of drug that produces a therapeutic response in 50% of the people taking it, sometimes also called ED 50. In radiation protection it is an estimate of the stochastic effect that a non uniform… … Wikipedia
Relation dose-effet — Courbes dans un repère semi logarithmique montrant le pourcentage d effet de deux stresseurs. La relation dose effet ou relation exposition réponse exprime le changement d effet, sur un organisme, provoqué par une quantité différente de… … Wikipédia en Français