Смотреть что такое "dorsa" в других словарях:
dorsa — [dôr′sə] n. pl. of DORSUM * * * dor·sa (dôrʹsə) n. Plural of dorsum. * * * … Universalium
dorsa — [dôr′sə] n. pl. of DORSUM … English World dictionary
dorsa — Plural of dorsum. * * * dorsa pl of DORSUM * * * dor·sa (dorґsə) [L.] plural of dorsum … Medical dictionary
Dorsa Harker — is a wrinkle ridge at 14°30′N 64°00′E / 14.5°N 64.0°E / 14.5; 64.0 in Mare Crisium on the Moon. It is 197 km long and was named after Alfred Harker, an … Wikipedia
Dorsa Aldrovandi — is a wrinkle ridge system at 24°00′N 28°30′E / 24.0°N 28.5°E / 24.0; 28.5 in Mare Serenitatis on the Moon. It is about 136 km in diameter and was named named after Uliss … Wikipedia
Dorsa Andrusov — is a wrinkle ridge system at 1°00′S 57°00′E / 1.0°S 57.0°E / 1.0; 57.0 in Mare Fecunditatis on the Moon. It is 160 km in diameter and was named after Nicol … Wikipedia
Dorsa Argand — is a wrinkle ridge system at Lunar coords and quad cat|28.1|N|40.6|W|globe:Moon on the Moon, in Oceanus Procellarum near the border with Mare Imbrium. It is 109 km in diameter and was named after Emile Argand in 1976 … Wikipedia
Dorsa Barlow — is a wrinkle ridge system at 15°00′N 31°00′E / 15.0°N 31.0°E / 15.0; 31.0 on the Moon, in Mare Tranquilitatis near the border with Mare Serenitatis. It is 120 km in diameter and … Wikipedia
Dorsa Smirnov — is a wrinkle ridge system at 27°18′N 25°18′E / 27.3°N 25.3°E / 27.3; 25.3 in Mare Serenitatis on the Moon. It is 156 km in diameter and was named after Sergei Sergeevich Smirn … Wikipedia
Dorsa Lister — is a wrinkle ridge system at 20°18′N 23°48′E / 20.3°N 23.8°E / 20.3; 23.8 on the Moon, in southern Mare Serenitatis. It is 203 km in diameter and was named after … Wikipedia
Dorsa Burnet — is a wrinkle ridge at 28°24′N 57°00′W / 28.4°N 57.0°W / 28.4; 57.0 in Oceanus Procellarum on the Moon. It is about 194 km long and was named after Thomas Burnet … Wikipedia