Смотреть что такое "dormition" в других словарях:
Dormition — de la Vierge Marie, icône du XVIe siècle Le mot dormition (en grec ancien κοίμησις / koímêsis), est utilisé, dans le vocabulaire chrétien pou … Wikipédia en Français
dormition — [ dɔrmisjɔ̃ ] n. f. • 1752; dormicion v. 1400; lat. dormitio, de dormire « dormir » ♦ Anc. théol. cathol. Le dernier sommeil de la Vierge Marie, au cours duquel eut lieu son assomption. ● dormition nom féminin (latin dormitio, onis, sommeil)… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Dormition — (lat. Dormitĭo Sanctae Mariae Virgĭnis), nach der Legende die Todesstätte (dormitio) Marias, der Mutter Jesu, in Jerusalem, 1898 vom Kaiser Wilhelm II. dem Palästinaverein der Katholiken Deutschlands zum Bau einer Gedächtniskirche geschenkt. –… … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
Dormition — According to Christian doctrine, the Virgin Mary did not die but rather fell asleep peacefully in the presence of the apostles and was carried by angels up to heaven (the Assumption), where she was crowned queen. Jacopo Torriti represented the … Dictionary of Renaissance art
dormition — (dor mi sion) s. f. Terme ecclésiastique. La manière dont la sainte Vierge quitta la terre pour aller au ciel ; parce qu une pieuse tradition apprend que sa mort ne fut qu une espèce de sommeil, et qu elle fut enlevée au ciel par une assomption… … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
Dormition — noun celebration in the Eastern Orthodox Church of the Virgin Mary s being taken up into heaven when her earthly life ended; corresponds to the Assumption in the Roman Catholic Church and is also celebrated on August 15th • Syn: ↑Feast of… … Useful english dictionary
Dormition of the Theotokos — Dormition of the Virgin redirects here. For the El Greco painting of the same name, see Dormition of the Virgin (El Greco). Icon of the Dormition of the Theotokos by El Greco, 16th century (Cathedral of the Dormition, Ermoupolis). The Dormition… … Wikipedia
Dormition Church — may refer to: Contents 1 Albania 2 Bulgaria 3 Finland 4 … Wikipedia
Dormition Cathedral, Berat — Dormition Cathedral Native name: Albanian: Katedralja Fjetja e Shën Mërisë Location: Berat Coordinates … Wikipedia
Dormition Church, Sopik — Dormition Church Native name: Albanian: Kisha Fjetja e Shën Mërisë Location: Sopik Cultural Monument of Albania The Dormition Church (Albanian: Kisha Fjetja e Shën Mërisë) is an Orthodox church in the village Sopik near Gjirokastër, Albani … Wikipedia
Dormition of the Theotokos Cathedral, Cluj-Napoca — Dormition of the Theotokos Cathedral Catedrala Adormirea Maicii Domnului Basic information Location Cluj Napoca … Wikipedia